Richard Hammond

Wow, that show's a thousand years old, but it was great fun. Ask me about the new show I'm over here filming instead; Crash Course. I've been set on fire, thrown off a bridge, done stand up and driven a New York cab. Weird but scary.

Yes, because that is the proper way to speak. So do carry on.

I still think we should have competed actually.

A lot of folk asking that right now, and I think one day we really should. Let's see.\Oh, and favourite American food? Er, pretzel dog?

It's not good, trust me, not good at all. Close up he is, in fact, terrifying to behold.

Oliver's fine. Just had him rebuilt again with a lot of welding in the floor and a new paintjob. And if anyone know where I can find a gearbox-mounted speedo drive for him, I'd love to know.

Whaaaaatttt! NOBODY has ever said that. Ever. Thank you. But you must be crazy

Just bought it: Porsche 997 GTS two wheel drive

Well I'm pretty short, about 5'7", but I work alongside two freaks and that makes me look microscopic

I like the guys a lot. They're funny, bright and sharp and Tanner is an amazing driver. i should hate them really!

I know, maybe we shall. My '68 Mustang 390GT is in the shop being returned to it's original Highland Green right now, so I'll have my own muscle car fest when I get home.

Pretty much everyone in the entire universe I think. Apart from my two daughters. Not remotely interested!

Yeah, he's been a bit vague on that one hasn't he. Love to know what he really thinks

Nobody actually believes they are famous or a celebrity or have made it big. If they do, then they have already lost the plot

Yup. I drove the Renault F1 Championship winning car a couple of years back. Othe two couldn't becuase they are too FAT!

Pretty easy really. Are you short? Bad hair? Annoying? Then you're already most of the way there

I like anything fit for purpose; hence Porsche too.

Hah, you heard about that. No, still racked and warped with pain and misery.

Yes I have. it was nice. We spoke in whispers and sat close

Not always better. I like charcter in a car and old cars had more of it cos they break down and do characterful stuff. And I'd rather have a vintage 911 than the new 991 but the 97 GTS is the best there's been.