
I can't comment about W7 phones because I don't have one and have never used one. But I do have an iPad (same basic OS as an iPhone) and an Android phone (Droid 2 Global). And I have connected both to my server at home which is an exchange server.

I am happy to see that the market has actually responded fairly favorably. This is not what anyone expected I don't think. When I look at AAPL versus the major exchanges, APPL is lookiing much better.

There is no spell checker on Gizmodo. Sorry. But I don't run all my posts through an external word processor before posting just to get the spelling perfect. I generally can spell.

Then why did you comment at all?

Actually, I took quite a few statistics classes. And I tookk business classes too. So I know that market share is not measured by comparing the number of competitors or the number of models a company makes. Marlket share is the percetage of sales compared to the total market. YES, Apple has done really well, but

I am not a fan of artificial limitations. This whole Flash issue could have been and still can be avoided by merely publishing the Flash app. If there is a real fear that it will affect battery life, and I don;t think there is a real problem with that, then just warn users to install it at their own peril. Instead,

I am an Apple shareholder.

Fkash runs just fine on my Android phone. I got an ANdroid because at the time, I ahd an existing Verizon contract and I could noit stomach getting one with AT&T. But here's the thing. When I go to a flash enabled site on my iPad, I am dead in the water. So I have to fire up a PC to see the site. Is this a good

It is about time. Of course I don't know about Tim Cook, but it was time for a less ego driven person to run such a great company. It is unquestionably true that Steve Jobs resurrected the company from the ashes and it is also true that he was and is a real visionary. But it is also true that he has held the


Natural Monopolies? Baloney! When the city I live in allowed cable to come in, way back then, they GAVE the monopoly to Comcast (or maybe the predecessor to Comcast). That meant that Comcast got a monopoly that was handed to them by the city. What was it in exchange for? I don't know, but I guess the cable

Ever been to China? What is closed today is reopened tomorrow. Maybe down the street, maybe with a similar but not identical Apple logo, maybe out of a hotel room; but if there is money to be made, these people will find a way to make it.

I am not sure why, but even though I drink a lot of coffee, I get no buzz and I can go to sleep with no trouble after having one or even several cups of strong fully cafinated coffee. I have noticed that on weekends, if I forget to have any coffee, I do get a headache sometimes. So I am sure I am addicted, but I

The evaluation of whether Apple will fail or not fail when Jobs eventually leaves can't be made yet. That is because we don't know who might replace him. Sure Jobs is a one of a kind individual. But that is not all good. In fact, one could as easily write an article that poses the question as to whether Apple will

Distortion IS any change to a waveform from it's original content. THD (total harmonic distortion) is just one way of measuting distortion. And Clipping is a kind of distortion that results in very high THD. When originally sinusoidal wavelforms, such as would come from a test audio signal generator are clipped at

Tony, please see my reoly to Strahgelove and also the excellent reoly from TechWeasel.

Are you kidding? The headline is:

Gizmodo is supposed to be a site about tech gadgets. It pains me to see that the editors have placed their own political philosophies front and center and posted an article that leans one way or another. Not surprisingly, this one leans to the left. I would be just as annoyed if Gizmodo had taken a Republican right

I dunno. I have flash on my Android and it works just fine, I see no difference in battery life with and without it. Bu contrast, I don't install flashlight applications on my Android because I know they will eat the batteries. And if I ever decide to install something dumb like that, I won't blame Google for bad

I am not 100 % sure, but I think the main reason that batteries, and by batteries I mean most notebook batteries, have logic inside them is not only for controlling the charging function, but also to force users to buy replacements from the notebook manufacturer rather than a third party. Batteries are a high profit