
and everyone hated on the ps3, too. and the wii. people hate on everything. no surprise.

Damn... That's awful.

you can't pull the hard drive and copy the save data? I thought you could with the ps3

he was just creepy... lol

I enjoyed the battle, the plot, and the sphere system. I liked that there was a separate language that you could translate in the game by collecting the books, and as you got more and more of the books you could make out what the words really were. The summons were pretty cool. I really enjoy a lot of the music.

"You wanna know how I got these scars?"

Some people have wine, others do crystal meth. We Americans eat ourselves to death.

He doesn't know how to use the three seashells...

like I said in another comment, i barely played them. I just remember some "Think of the children!" fanfare when one of them came out.

When I'm feeling especially raunchy, I go for some alternative stuff.

I vaguely remember something involving a motor switching between two batteries that has run for an incredibly long time, though it may be that ambient heat introduced into the system assisted the generation of energy. does anyone know what this experiment was called?

I only ever played the first one, and I don't think I even beat it.

yeah, but for me it's the section with all the power tools and weber grills

didn't God of War have some kind of QTE sex scene?

I played it. It was mediocre for a modern FPS, and sub-par for a Duke Nukem game.

it'd be nice if you could at least try each character in training mode, even if complex AI control is removed. stuff like always jump or block after first hit should still be there though, just not an AI that fights back, to avoid giving you essentially a real game as the character.

Awesome! Thank you! :)

probably indies at first

Hey, what about Nintendo? They still have a shot...

...can I sign up to a newsletter or something so I find out when this thing launches?