
So basically, if there's a channel you hate, go to their videos and click all the ads?

That was my thought...

To be fair, another class wouldn't have saved that game.

"Sixty years later, we can strands of DNA in even more detail"

Dark Age of Camelot with guns

I jumped in the game when it went live publicly, and was a bit overwhelmed. Right after I spawned, I saw a truck spawn in front of me. It killed me with some kind of mounted gun. I respawned into another place shortly after, and was immediately killed inside of some kind of tube, and was informed it was a suicide. I

Here's what I'd like to see, in this little experiment. A control. Maybe, just sitting around for 15 minutes in the dark doing nothing is enough to help you unwind. In today's world, people just don't do that, they're always doing something, then moving right on to the next thing.


Hey, that high horse you're riding? Do us a favor and get off it for like... 5 seconds...

I use "RiVenoX" on everything. Except XBL. Why? Because I had used it on the original XBL, and they locked my account due to inactivity, and even with all the credentials in the world, I could not reactivate it. Now the name is free, due to MS clearing unused accounts, but they want money for that change. Fuck that,

I love you... Whoever you are...

wow, i had a total brainfart and missed the whole last paragraph when i read this the first time... my bad.

AC3 has a decent villain, too. Plus, the Borgias were just evil, there were no redeeming qualities, no grey area. The AC3 villain is a bit more likable and relatable.

Keep making deposits... FOR SCIENCE!

I'm traveling to a friends for thanksgiving, and she's about 4 hours away. I was planning on bringing a bottle of wine and a bottle of liquor, any suggestions on what pairs well with standard thanksgiving fare?

...said no patent troll ever.

and now the link is malformed. add "(eighth_generation)" to the end of the link if you click it

Because it's literally part of the next generation of consoles. We're currently in the 7th generation. WiiU is part of the 8th.

Well, that's enough internet for today... See you guys tomorrow!