they and the tree still require water in some fashion to grow.
they and the tree still require water in some fashion to grow.
If you were at a large gathering of people, some of them non-Israelites, it would be gentiles and folks.
If you were a stoner in Japan it would be bentos and tokes
I was waiting for an uptown F at 4 am for at least 15 minutes on Saturday
if you were Charlie Sheen it would be menthols and coke...
I was actually thinking about how to use superhydrophobic substances to create displays yesterday, though in an entirely different manner.
mmmm... cold turkey...
I had remembered seeing somewhere about mechanical drives having limited write speeds back when I was looking into SSD's, but I looked it up and it was related to random writes, where you're writing small files to random parts of the HD, which is not what you would be doing while downloading movies.
that's the jok
By standard I meant a single 500-750 gigabyte 5400 RPM platter drive over SATA, something you'd find in a home user pc from best buy. Obviously RAID and SSDs would be faster, but it's hard to find something like that in a generic dell or hp.
Well seeded torrents go stupid fast, though.
How fast can a standard hard drive even write data?
if it were flesh, the impact itself may have been dampened by the fact that flesh moves on impact while wood does not. the vest may have had a better chance to absorb and disperse the kinetic energy.
that was my first thought, too...
Initial D parody called "Densha de D"