
It's five o'clock somewhere...

I'm not a fan of anything with Illusion and reflects damage...

just because it's flame retardant doesn't mean it's toxic

He's forgiven this time, It had to remain in portrait for the sake of stealth.

I agree, I hate Apple, but I thought the phone looked good, but the fanboys came out and went "There's no way this is real, it's so boxyv and ugly! Where are the smooth contours Apple is known for!"

Every Apple fanboy will agree with you... Until it turns out to be real, then it will be "revolutionary."

until you drop it and, oh geez, look at that dent... that scrape... that scuff... My Galaxy Nexus has been dropped over and over and over and is no worse for the trip.

Sounds like a good night to me!

Kojima + 3 lbs. of LSD + Evangelion marathon = Z.O.E. designs

Does anyone else see a bit of young Charlie Sheen in that guy?

Just like "The Pill" and vasectomies ended the human race.

Most of the women I know ARE kinda crazy.


I'm not saying they're equal, I'm saying that even from the most cynical points of view, men have their own interests in not impregnating a woman. Their wallet. Is it anywhere near the emotional and physical burden of either undergoing an abortion, or gestating a child? hell no. But to assume that men are INCAPABLE

Latex allergies, the different feel, etc.

Misandry. Misandry everywhere.

My ex had horrible mood swings after starting the shot. and every 3 months, she'd get crazy as hell, and freak out, and I had to remind her that she just had her shot, and it would go away in a week or so.