
Better than Hobbit 3.

Sick of these vainglorious CGI-live action affairs. Just give up the ghost and go full animated, why bother with live actors at all? It only shoves you swiftly into the uncanny valley and all the bad writing that goes with such an idea. Blizzard’s always been good at the cinematics, they should’ve just made a

Okay, but I’m trying to stay married.

It isn’t that some of us have histories that were less than ideal, it is that *most* of us do. Alcoholism/Drug Abuse, Suicide, Rape, abuse.. it is pretty hard to be an adult without a brush up against one or many of these.

I don’t think anyone you want to date should run from these, but you can’t lead with your worst

I’ve (almost*) always had good experience with the following: “Look, I really like you guys, and I really like your service, but XXXXXX is offering faster speeds, or lower cost, or both. I don’t want to leave you guys because I don’t like XXXXXX, but I feel like I’m going to have to because they’re offering better and

Vin > Diesel

So very meta...

so much this

Game: Portal

That's not really much of a beating. It's dirty, sure, but they weren't exactly going fast. I was hoping for lots of noise and lots of sideways.

GEORGE CLOS: Most cars don't have dipsticks anymore. You can't drink a six-pack with your friends and change the oil in front of your house.

This is a great idea, provided people actually read your emails. I find myself constantly frustrated that all of my work contacts seem to be limited to reading only the first sentence of an email. If I type up a paragraph, the response is usually a question asking for the exact information I have presented in sentence

Somewhat on topic, kinda off... But why do even good, useful, sometimes required, and highly recommended apps still come with toolbars and other crap that will destroy your computer (unless you're smart enough to manually uncheck the option during install). Or come from download sites where it's somewhat impossible

It sounds like perhaps you need to actually understand the words used in Leviticus, for example, where it says "abomination" the word originally used was "Tovah", which literally translates means "ritually unclean". It is a direct reference to the Egyptians, one of their gods was worshipped by going into the temple