
I have two vehicles. One is a new Charger. The other is a 2001 Dodge Durango which I’ve owned for about 10 years. About 4 years ago, I stopped driving the Durango and basically parked it. It had blown radiator hoses multiple times and then the water pump blew and so I really just kind of gave up on it and bought a ‘12

I’m curious what the point of this article is. I mean... politically, those two are both fish out of water and have almost no relevant experience to the jobs that they are doing. “I’m smart” has zero bearing on whether either of them is going to be “better” at whatever insanity they’re trying to do.

It is indeed more complicated than us vs them and black and white... which is a point that you’re completely missing in your own criticism. You’re stuck on some people being inconvenienced at an airport, but the voice of many people speaking up against a broad policy they believe is both wrong and hurts America around

Condolences, Bill. It sounds like you’re pretty concerned about your dad’s legacy. You’re his legacy, man. Do what makes you feel good about those save files and go out there and be awesome in your dad’s name, brother.

Actually, you’ll note that the FBI determined that no actual criminal intent was apparent and that no reasonable prosecuter would bring charges. It was a poor choice. Everyone makes them now and then. Donald Trump however, has made nothing but poor choices in this election. And you may well disagree with Hillary; she

Actually, a lot of the auto parts stores are not doing this anymore, because (at least, this is how my local autozone guy explained it to me) they found that they would tell someone the code and that would give them a general idea what it was... the person would buy a part and then be mad at them because the actual

Actually, a lot of the auto parts stores are not doing this anymore, because (at least, this is how my local

How strange. You’d think that good, solid, hard-working American citizens like the Republican party portrays themselves to represent would see that sign and cheer. YES! No Racism! No Hatred! Love America! Love all her people! I wonder who these nutjobs are then?

Also a Hordie, but highly recommend starting a Worgen just to see it. It’s a really entertaining starting zone.

Exactly. I didn’t think it was Citizen Kane, but it was fun to watch. So many times my girlfriend and I were like “OMG! MURLOC!” or “HAHA, that FP landing in Stormwind!” or “Ooooh, Medivh is a big jerk! I knew he was the bad guy!” or... “Why’d they make Kadghar a blundering idiot? and why doesn’t he have more

I don’t fully agree. I enjoyed the movie. I recognized that there were gaping plot holes and certainly some of what you said about the writing being pretty cliche is true. But like half of Warcraft is pretty cliche. It would have been weird if the movie was actually a good fantasy movie. I thought, at least as a fan

So... Have fun by doing boring things with friends so they can be annoyed with you for making them do those boring things with you? what the heck?

I have recently renegotiated my rates with AT&T for cell phone service, TWC for cable internet and DirecTV for satellite. For DirecTV, I found and showed them the introductory deal that TWC is offering for similar cable package. They chopped $45 off my monthly bill. For TWC, I found and showed them the rate for the

Ha. I had to google mansplaining. That’s funny.

I don’t understand why you’d have to explain your feelings about alcohol at all. Even if you go out for ‘drinks’ with someone, coffee is a drink as are sodas and water and fruit juices and smoothies. You could just not order an alcoholic beverage and leave the description of your dead alcoholic parent for another

Fast N Loud is generally obnoxious. Most of them are... but I have to say I like Bitchin’ Rides. They all just seem like they’re having fun and they do some cool cars.

1989 Daihatsu Charade. I was 18, looking for my first new car. My mom thought one of these would be good. So I went and drove one... Keeping in mind, I had my first car, a 1980 Toyota Tercel as the sum of my driving experience at the time to compare to. To me, the Daihatsu, felt like I was driving a semi. The

Didn't do anything negative to mine.

Yeah. It's dirty, but I doubt anything is broken unless the car is particularly insanely delicate.

I didn't hear this particular episode, but if those quote are accurate and in context, my only response is "WTF?" Clearly, those people are living in the 50's, and assuming that all new technology is impossibly difficult for mere mortals to understand.

I wish you could always assume it would be the first. Sadly, it is usually the one most interesting to the person replying to the email, which will inevitably not be the one most interesting to the one sending the email and the reply will invariably go in a completely different direction than the question itself