
And let those drug-dealers kill Uncle Ben? I dont need to see that storyline again, thanks.

Because the hardcore audience are the trend setters, they’re the ones streaming on twitch, making additional content, promoting your game for free. But you still need to cater a wide variety of players in an MMO or MMO-lite.

Seems clear cut, actually more so than the Arenanet firings that happened in a similar fashion. Dont fuck with the customers is the bottom line.

Maybe they are planning to double dip like Rockstar.

My biggest fear for Cyberpunk 2077 is that the characters wont be as well developed and memorable as what CDPR presented in W3. Im not really familiar with the CP 2077 universe and its storytelling, i just hope its not bland.

try ublock origin

I like foreplay ;)

Im living on the hype for netflix The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077 at this point.

A cherry-picked comment that was downvoted to hell, as usual they take the worst comment they can find and say look how horrible these gamers are. Vast majority of people where just riled up by the drama or said things like “if i behaved this way representing my job i would be fired” etc.

Players were just upset for a variety of reasons like false accusations against community members, and then the drama gained traction on other subreddits and shit-heels joined in.

We dont know what went on behind the scenes, maybe they were given a chance to smooth things over and refused. Price seem ideologically possesed, she basically said in the article shes glad she took a stand. It’s a weird hill to die on attacking a content creator (and arenanet partner) who just wanted a dialogue.

Here’s one of Price’s collegues on the narrative team.

Wrong, that guy is a sweetheart. He instantly backed away and apologized dispite having no reason to apologize. I feel worst for him of all people in this story, he must feel terrible to be invloved in events that spiraled into two people getting fired.

Anyone can watch that rocket launch on youtube, only those 48 people can say they are part of a record kill streak ^^

nah, monkaS is used for moments of tension.

They are lovely people.



So good, very nostalgic. Tim Schafer is a god, cant wait for Psychonauts 2.