
A quick google search for percentage of lgbt in population, dont care enough to research more :)

I agree 4% (generous) of the population deserves 4% of the representation.

Glad that sorted itself out, no one can be mad at this pose, great job by Blizzard artists ^^

Gray Maynard tapped Rob Emerson with a slam (rib injury) but knocked himself out by hitting his head on the ground at the same time, was ruled a no contest :)

I think you’re wrong about that, i cant name alot of men in the gaming world just because i dont really care about the industry side. But male celebs big and small get “hate mail” all the time, imagine how much hate a guy like Sam Harris get, but no one cares about some dude getting death threats 24/7 it doesnt fit

is it only women though? Men that say stupid shit gets hate aswell, Phil Fish comes to mind. I do think the hate take a different form as people go for the jugular, rape threats doesnt work as well on men.

Im guessing Nexus mod downloader/installer with various mod compilations, see wasnt that hard :)

Downloading the 1080p now, only 34gb :) Ill buy it when its out

The premise of this game reminds me of Brandon Sandersons Mistborn, the original trilogy anyway :)

You watch too much anime i think, it has rot your brain :D

I dont think its equality to have men and women compete in full contact sports, thats the most unequal playing field i can think of. How would you even regulate that? Theres a ban on performance enhancing substances in most sports and for a woman to even come close to the same biological baseline you would have to

MMA and boxing would certainly be interesting, like watching domestic abuse. Something tells me you havnt thought this through :P

Tell that to Japan, lowest crime anywhere.

I dont have any kids but my dog is a huge One Piece fan, perfect chewable!

The firebird one? It’s easy when you make the right build, the hard thing is to balance damage output you dont want so much that you kill everything before setting 20 enemies on fire but enough to clear the dungeon withing the time limit. Black hole+meteor works best for that and i had to use a rare wand to lower my

The power-creep is really addicting, gathering items to complete your build, and there are untold builds with different playstyles to try. You go for either set items with set bonuses and/or items that synergise together. This can be done through grinding for random items, using bloodshards for more narrow random

I was talking about a broader subject than “pdp”, for someone who points fingers at other idiots you sure look like one :)

But then you have games like Flappy Bird that became a success because of how shit it was and every youtube star played it just to rage.