They are? I thought it was a hipster thing?
They are? I thought it was a hipster thing?
Yes there are like extra character slots, extra bag slots, xp/speed/etc buffs, item skins, convenice items. Non of it feels like you really need it and if you dont want to pay for it you can convert ingame gold to the RMT currency.
His bum is in the bucket
Yeah i did the exact same thing you did, i just returned a month ago and im really liking their new additions to the game, they've introduced some new item-progression (ascended trinkets and backpieces) and reward systems (daily/monthly rewards - daily rewards for world bosses) Alot of new cool looking gear-skins. ETC.
They should be watching the GW2 model closely, i never though id get addicted to a mmo again - and im sure they're making a killing with their cash-store in combination with content-update every 14 days.
Im guessing he leads a clean life, no smoking and drinking saves decades on your looks once you get older :)
be wary of Fabius ^^
One of the best animes ever ! Still have not checked out any of the new movies ...
What you dont like dick?
Critics like Marcus Beer are kind of disgusting, raving at people that are actually creating things. What has he contibuted to the video game industry except his own stinky opinion?
That was so bad that it was good !
Religion doesnt deserve some special treatment, it should be ridiculed like everything else that takes itself to seriously.
There's made up proof that the opposite is also true !
Look up simulation theory youngling ^^
I think of it like the episodic-release that The Walking Dead did, but sure it would have been nice if they planned it like that from the beginning. Hindsight 20/20.
This looks like a promising game alas i dont have time for other games since gw2 has become a fulltime obsession :D
Hannibal rocks, that episode was ultra creepers :)
The only bad part about KotOR 2 was the ending if i remember correctly, but tbh the only thing really memorable about KotOR for a non hardcore fan was that plot-twist in the first one.
Julian Assange would fit right in !