Im not pissed, just informing him on the facts. What else is there to say to a statement of opinion like that?
Im not pissed, just informing him on the facts. What else is there to say to a statement of opinion like that?
thats terribly offtopic of him then :)
This isnt ingame footage so he shouldnt be so quick to judge, this is more like cover-art. From what you can tell of the documentary footage the game has a pastel-color style (with some definition), it looks gorgeous.
I think he means that acceptance of LGBT is better than it has ever been in history, so shitting on "this generation" is infact ironic.
I dont think most people who use gay slurs are homophobic, it's mostly a heat of the moment thing under the guise of anonymity and compairing it to team-sports isnt really fair since that's "real life". And since when doesnt athletes play videogames? I think COD is just the kind of game those guys would like :)
I hope you're not being sarcastic, because stereotypes are funny as hell :)
love QT
It's the PS4 ofcourse
I wouldnt know since im not american, i imagine all people are subject to herd-mentality but i always thought any kind of uniform dress-code to be very distateful. Maybe i was bit harsh :)
It's a well known fact that japanese society doesnt value individualism, and your irrational fanboy comment has to with what exactly?
I hope you've installed some mods too, makes the game twice as pretty :)
And we're happy we arent sheep :)
oh my goodness
I still have that game in its original wrappings, it's one of those games i bought day 1 but never felt like playing :) Such a stupid move ^^
Depends where you live i guess, the country where im from noone frowns on women sunbathing topless at beaches really. It's just not overly common becasue of shyness i guess.
Violence towards men is far more common than towards women, it's just perpetrated by other men :)
Another kickstarted game worth mentioning is Grim Dawn
Fuck yeah, i need to replay that some day soon