
Neither was Diablo 3 :)

It's just a matter of accepting the nature of the business :) This kind of thing happens all the time in the mmo and multiplayer only world.

No it's like having to wait 2 minutes extra at mcdonalds.

Im not a Sim City fan either and all this attention the game is getting is just making me want to buy it :) See what all the fuss is about, the last one i played was somewhere in the early 90s.

Guess the hype is pretty low then? Usualy you hear people camping out weeks in advance for popular releases. Or maybe this one just failed to attract the crazies :)

Isnt that a natural progression of gaming though? You get tired of a game eventually, that's what i like about addictive games - they're super fun for a few weeks / months and then you kick the addiction (well most people do).

Typical hoarder behaviour, im kinda like that with my bookshelfs - if you look close enough there are actually books somewhere under all that stuff :) Otherwise my apartment is pretty organized ... but dirty :p

Agree to disagree, one thing is certain though you're an annoying condescending fuck with your capslock raging,

You are destined for greatness my friend !

Horrible people i tell you ! And yet you play their games :D

lol thats hilarious, ive been giggling for minutes :)

She wasnt trying to connect Sony with being sexism then? She does the Feminist movement a huge disservice by crying wolf. I think what Patricia really cares about is pageviews.

Yeah private torrent communitys is the only place im comfortable with nowadays, without vpns anyway.

Id like something different, like a Les Stroud's survivorman game meets minecraft, that would be epic :)

That's alright, team people! :)

I see alot of influences but not really blade runner tbh, from what little ive seen i get more of a dreamfall/broken sword vibe mixed with uncharted/arkham gameplay and some mirrors edge inspired HUD.

That was fucking amazing, i liked crysis 1 alot but never managed to finish the second one, but you have to give it up for the technical excellence in this vid :)

Now playing

thats boring as fuck, why cant cool stuff like dance floor dale become memes? :(

They've advertised on recent ufc events ive noticed and im sure there's plenty of other ads aswell. Just because you dont see it doesnt mean it isnt there :)

Whats weird about it? I love paypal, so fucking easy to use no bullshit.