
google wendy fiore :)

I agree with you on assassins creeed but that's a game/genre designed with the controller in mind, skyrim and alot of other 3d action games i much prefere on the PC. DMC is a genre ive never really played so cant really say anything about that :) Anyway to each their own, there are pros and cons with both.

Im guessing you cant aford more RAM and you're MAD as HELL :)

Gaming with mouse and keyboard is for me far superior, the precision and number of hotkeys cant compare to a gamepad.

I think thats common for people that dont have an opinion of their own and doesnt want a confrontation. Not saying thats always the case but id like to believe the vast majority of people actually has some kind of bullshit-sensor :)

I think thats common for people that dont have an opinion of their own and doesnt want a confrontation. Not saying thats always the case but id like to believe the vast majority of people actually has some kind of bullshit-sensor :)

They climbin' up yo window, run and tell that homeboy !

That's a different high though, eating marijuana is almost psychadelic.

It's rediculous considering the amount of people addicted to prescription drugs, vicodin, adderall, oxycontin etc. And all of those are chemical addictions, marijuana is just a habitual addiction.

I can't speak for anyone but myself but if it was me getting body augmentations the first thing id get was a truly terrifying dick :D However it would be protected by fucking adamantium or something ^^

The Witcher 2 was fucking amazing in almost every way, cant wait to see what they can do with a true open-world setting.

Unfortunatly true (if you are not blizzard) however it's hardly free if you want to play a complete game. They try every jedi mind trick out there to get you to part with your cash, gimping inventory is the most disgusting one to me.

This is the future http://www.extremetech.com/computing/131656-the-fanless-heatsink-silent-dust-immune-and-almost-ready-for-prime-time

I never understood FFT, i think i tried it once on some illegaly gotten ripped cd for the PSX way back but i couldnt understand how it worked (think it was in japanese too) Loved the cover-art but that's how far my adventure into FFT went.

lol perfect

What are you complaining over exactly? Kickstarter is like a preorder service basically, gives the creators some capital to make their product and at the same time gives an indication at the possible success of the final product. win/win.

Better question, why are you not aroused? :D

Im always tempted to buy one of these figurines when i see a really cool one (this one especially, love Teras art design) but im not sure im ready to take that step into geek-oblivion yet. One day ^^

Personally when i get to the grinding stage of an mmo i turn the sound off almost permanently (except when you need to pay attention like in groups and raids) and use that time to listen to either listen to audiobooks or more often catch up on podcasts. It's more fun than just lying on the couch thats for sure :)

Can you imagine spending the rest of eternity with your relatives? I find that to be unusualy cruel punishment. Can't imagine what it must be for people growing up in truly fucked up familys. But i guess that all depends on which version of "heaven" one choses to blindly believe in :) Id go with Valhalla personally.