
You can use a vaporizer, but really there's no evidence of anyone ever getting smoker's lungs from marijuana.

Prohibition is far more damaging to society than the potential harm some selfdestructive people cause on the themselves though, food for though.

Whats wrong with his eyebrows?

Step number one to when making a media-player: Create a Volume-slider

Animation really hasnt gotten that far from say the original thundercats :D

Some types of games give me horrible dreams, mostly really repeatative isometric games like starcraft, diablo and to some extent 2d games etc. 3D games doesnt really affect me the same way. It usually depends on when i game and for how long so i can definatly see the merit in these kinds of studys.

Way to ruin the food, you dont want a mouth-full or rice or a mouth-full of fish thats the whole point of bite-sized food to begin with ...

I prefere food in my breakfast

RL ghost dog? maybe

This is more realistic really

What do you mean? Since when was kotaku a gaming only website?

Here's some of the bulletpoints on why i think gw2 pve end-game is lacking currently (notice the illogical design)

Who's rushing? The game has been out a month and there is just so much content in there. It's for sure the best leveling experience in any MMO ive ever played but they need to work on a proper endgame if they want people to stay around.

Try Tekkit or Technic Pack, it has some of the features.

Yes there is, Diablo 3 , which had respeccs.

Ofcourse, i just started a new character :) But i know what you mean, the endgame is lacking pretty badly

Platform aside this game looks like another juvenile fantasy story from the trailer, personally theres nothing more torturous than sitting through a cliche fantasy tale. But on the other hand i guessing it will be pretty light on the story-elements.

Generally it's the opinion of people who arent mountains of human flesh though :)