Beacuse Demon/Dark souls developers seem like a great bunch, and pc gaming is on the rise again :D
Beacuse Demon/Dark souls developers seem like a great bunch, and pc gaming is on the rise again :D
I love the comments on kotaku, i usualy read more of the comments than the articles themselves. I see lots of interesting discussions going on everywhere.
What exactly makes them shitty developers? They're made up of alot of ex blizzard devs. And Firefall looks very interesting and its F2P.
Im not usually against sexy heroines but im not liking the samus thing thats been happening the last decade or so, im not even a big metroid fan but the character was always there when i grew up.
10 hours? Gawd buy a fleshlight and get it over with ...
Minecraft is my GOTY pick, i loved skyrim, the witcher 2, Portal 2 (some other AAA titles mightve slipped my mind atm) and a bunch of indie games like Terraria, SPAZ, Bastion. But Minecraft is the most unique experience in many years, and the game that i spent most hours on this year.
"And who wants to go on a quest to save the world with a group of scruffy, middle aged men?"
Love that old animated hobbit movie, "-down down to goblin town" :D
Vocal minority on both sides of the genders raving about this is getting old. Men creating fantasies for men? Majority audience privelage? Wow that's shocking ! Maybe the solution is for more women to get into game-development, until that happens i dont see anything changing in this hobby of ours.
My reaction
It's not sexist, it's sexual exploitation :) That's what the kotaku discusssions have told me anyway ^^
It does in regards to kotor 1 and 2, the timeline is thousands of years before the movies anyway.
Never liked Fitch either, i hate fighters that never takes any chances and go for the win, Fitch is the worst of the worst in that regard. Cant refute is record though.
Tomb Raider sure was sexist but it did not suck however, never have i seen anything other than a positive consensus about that game.
Not if you were horribly disappointed with the direction the sequels took.
I dont get the love for Matrix, it's one good movie and two pieces of crap *shrugs*
Khajitsu, nyan!
Combat has never been a huge selling point for me when i look at RPGs, no matter what you're just clicking or pressing buttons in the end. Exploration, immersion, storytelling is what i look for in rpgs tbh.
Hahaha boy am i glad im not you :)
Hotkeys are in and attire does affect your stealthiness, thats two out of five.