Revya the World Eater

My original point was to question whether it was jumping the gun to call this. nime. You have misconstrued that to mean to say that I have said that this is not anime. This is referred to as a lack of reading comprehension and applying a false equivalancy to my statements (if p then q does not equivalate if q then p

That is pretty awesome to hear. I tend to find older blurays to be hit or miss. Usually depends on the studio and how well they archived their works. I am guessing Pierrot probably did a good job then. Unlike Viz's recent release of Sailor moon.

Hmm, I was unaware that they did a high definition release. Do you know if they were able to remaster from the original film for the blu-ray release? If so I'd be interested to see how well the quality holds up in high definition.

Kiss-shot Acerola-orion Heart-under-blade was repeated!

I wouldn't call Shaft a style more so a specific type of directing being performed. If you follow some of the key directorial staff's discography a while back, the style predates Studio Shaft by years.

Just a kind of aside. The SHAFTness people keep talking about is mostly related to the director of the series that are often brought up. Akiyuki Shinbo (Shimbou, Simbo, Simbou, Sinbou, Shinbou, etc) has been doing work since the early 90's and the majority of his titles (really depending on the studio he is at as to

I personally enjoy me some Urusei Yatsura from the 80's.

Dude... you have some serious reading comprehension and logical issues.

...funny quoting a dictionary. Try looking up anime and telling me what it says in the OED or even wikipedia.

I meant you misread my post by connecting the first two statements with the third statement when they were unrelated thoughts.

I agree, my only problem is that this isn't clear in this case so it would be jumping to conclusions by classifying it as anime.

My thought is that the word anime specifically refers to Japanese Animation as far as the etymology and the most common semantic context it is used in. The problem I have with the article is just by looking at the kick starter there is no real transparency as to what type of production is happening so I don't know

I feel like this has been the year of the jrpg with so many of them coming out.

I think... I don't mind sexualization if it goes both ways (FFXIV); if the intent of the work is for titillation and comedy (Senran Kagura); or if it's part of a characterization as opposed to the overall artistic direction of the work (Drakengard 3). Take Final Fantasy 14 for example; if you wear a thong as a female

Ya know it's funny. One of the bootleg checks Japanese character figures (the expensive ones from GSC, Kotobukiya, Alter, etc) with skirts/viewable underwear is to verify that there is in fact panties/boxers/briefs/underwear present. It's one of those details that a log bootleg/counterfeit pieces leave out.

I've always been under the opinion that anime generally referred to animation produced and driven by the Japanese animation industry. That's not to say that it has not influenced other works of art or has not been influenced by such art; it's just used to specifically refer to pieces of production that geographically

Thank you for misreading my post. Please reread what I wrote.

Surprised not to see Fate Stay/Night: UBW.

I think production on lwa 2 is slated for after their current project.

Is this considered anime?