Eternal Sonata, Blue Dragon, Tales of Vesperia and Lost Odyssey. Once those four are confirmed I will buy my first ever Xbox console.
Eternal Sonata, Blue Dragon, Tales of Vesperia and Lost Odyssey. Once those four are confirmed I will buy my first ever Xbox console.
“My expectation with Broken Age in the end was just to break even.” - Double Fine founder Tim Schafer
Not everybody can lift 400 pounds so let’s nerf everybody down to 250 so those who can’t can feel better!
Also, change your username. Where’s that option?
My guess would be he is more responsive and has “game-like” precise movement instead of his lifelike movement that carries a lot of momentum.
I beat xillia 1 and 2 and symphonia back in the day. I like tales games, they are consistently good even if rarely anything special. Excited to have more coming, and really excited to see them making their way to PC
Mic drop? being able to play last gen games is your reason for a mic drop? your expectations of MS are very low if this is what you think their mic drop moment is.
Lmao the titan hammer sounds awesome.
Haaa. That’s funny because... because... yeah, I got nothing. 10 to 1 that’s a posed shot and the person behind the camera shredded the game then placed everything and took the shot.
Eh. While this is definitely up there in stupid, childish things, people watch sitcoms on network television, Adam Sandler movies, and read Twilight, and that doesn’t diminish any of those media’s status as art forms. Art is distinguished by its best examples, not its worst.
My Internet is 128kb/s down and 58kbps up.
Exactly. Comcast is the biggest ISP in the USA and has plans to roll out their 300GB/month limit nationwide. With Netflix streaming and large games, plus multiple people in a home, that limit can become a real problem.
I’m super disappointed with Nintendo on the Amiibo thing. I get that they’re hooked on this limited supply thing (which is a bullshit business model to begin with as it inherently creates winners and losers), but even doubling the supply would still make some of these Amiibos rare. Some of them are going for almost…
"Have female characters of various body types"
Lot of damned if you do damned if you don't. I thought Destiny really went out of it's way to make everything as neutral and lifeless as possible but she still found something wrong with it. Go figure.
The only part I don't like is that they're playing it up like it's PAX's fault. It's not up to PAX to provide extra security in this situation. They have their security in place already. If Giant Spacekat doesn't think that's enough, then that's their decision to make, but don't pretend PAX has some obligation to…
Maybe they'll send out those information packs for their amiibos if we hand-write to them.
You can thank the dock workers and their unions for feeling their high school education entitles them to $150,000+ per year.These unions have become a joke.
It's not a 'bunch' of weapons, it's a katana, a BB gun, 3 cans of pringles, his Xbox 360 and a copy of Skyrim because it's intel on what Canada is like. And right after he takes out all the Canadian trannies he's going to go meet Santa Claus at the north pole and become his helper. Maybe you should tell Mrs. Claus to…