
Seems cool in concept, but how many cops shoot hundreds of "robbers/criminals". In a wartime setting, COD/BF make sense as crazy over the top as it is, lots of enemy soldiers to shoot. Don't hear about many cops in shootouts lasting more than a few minutes.

She's using a Galaxy s5 is looks like. It has a fingerprint scanner. I would understand if she wanted this as a security measure, but it already has multiple security features that are much less cumbersome than angling your hand awkwardly. This is not practical in any way, if anything it's less efficient.

There is a DVD release in which the original unaltered versions are on the second disc as an "extra". No remastering was really done to them though because Lucas was a snarky bitch and said "Fine, you want no alterations, here they are, unaltered/remastered"

Have you considered taking being wrong more immaturely?

Maybe you shouldn't just jump to conclusions and make assumptions that people didn't read articles then act above it when you're proven wrong.

Yeah, unfortunately I couldn't edit it, saw it as it was posting. Get off your high horse.

The article was obviously update asshole. Half those pictures weren't up earlier too if you look at my post time and the twitter post times.

Only 1 copy was found? If so, sounds kinda fishy, like they wanted to make the old "rumor" true for the sake of the documentary. Any news on more, or just a single copy "found"?

Anyone else getting a "This video is private?"

Shoulda grabbed it around xmas time when it was 15 bucks. Still sitting on my shelf waiting for me to open it!

Please don't compare actual sports to pushing buttons on a keypad. Not to take away from the skill of the players, but come on.

The guy seems really genuine. Went to his panel last year and this year at PAX East. They really seem to like fan feedback and he tries to be somewhat real. He's on stahe, talks to you like a person and a community. He also spoke at the NVIDIA panel and someone made a comment "PC master race" and while the whole room

Yeah, the trophy list doesn't reveal a character's death so I don't know what you're referring to.

Yeah, unlike the Metal Gear Ground Zeroes review where the essentially told you the end of the game in the review and who it happens to.

I remember when there was a Gauntlet DS in development and I was following it as it slowly got delayed and delayed until it disappeared. I'd love a new one so bad :(.

"The Game Store" Written and Directed by David Lynch is more like it.

Since I know you will probably still look back, when did I "rage"? I really think you might be resounding to the wrong person, because you're the only one who resorted to childish insults when none were aimed at you.

What the hell does club Nintendo have to do with anything? They created a unified Nintendo ID across the wiiu and the 3ds yet aside from tracking downloads and purchases does not unify communication/friend lists/multiplayer. Yet MS and Sony are all unified.

Because a firmware update wouldn't fix the ID system right? Also, you keep saying full retard, I can tell you have excellent taste in movies now, any other comedic gems you're a fan of so I can take your opinions even less seriously? I love you you immediately had to jump to name calling to fill your argument.

Actually, the fact that Nintendo still uses friend codes makes my argument valid. There is no need for them, look at THE PS4/PS3/Vita, complete cross between platforms and ID. Hell, cross buy exists and Nintendo can't even let you share Mario Bros from nearly 30 years ago without paying twice.