Sooooo tempted. Comanche for sale []
Sooooo tempted. Comanche for sale []
Jeep Comanche race trucks are now my favorite!
So if the bug walks in an downward sprial it will get stuck?
The element formerly known as SHE. (Super heavey element)
I was rooting for team Master Shredder Gives U.S. Splinter.
I got a zippo and some burn cream. Let's start small.
I bite my nails. Same thing, right?
Soon they will dig far enough to see that all those bones are actually inside a BIGGER skeleton!!
These are so hard to come by. I don't know about the price, you can get a 2 door Impreza AWD for about 1500-2500 and those have better after market support. It's cheap enough for a cool daily driver.
Look like an overbite is a side effect.
They LOOK like Work S1 wheels on the newer pic but I can't tell what the mesh ones are.
I wanna say satellite radio, only because I'm partial to music before 2000 and I have an iPod and slacker on my phone.
I want this in a drifter RC car
Anybody else notice the bear driving the camera car?
So sads. I'm gonna blame the hipsters.