Dude, that car totally held the house together.
Dude, that car totally held the house together.
Clean, but I'd rather grab another one off craigslist for $1200 and use that extra cash to modify it for rally cross.
I hope it does what they say it would. It would definitely make being green easier for those of us that want a fast car while keeping emissions low (or eliminating them altogether). Till then I'm still gonna daily a gas/diesel engine automobile.
Yea, but then 5 seconds later they disappear around 5:43. Maybe that's the style or maybe the car isn't finished but I'd expect to see a nice 4 or 5 point racing harness in that car.
Definitely on my wishlist. And no seatbelts?
I was sketching up a similar comic but i never finished. Damn, now someone else got there. Oh, well, at least I still have the screenplay I need to finish.
Those wheels look great on those gulf colors.
Thanks, you just made Glenn Beck richer.
So he didn't stop to see if he could help? Did the other biker crash and blow up?
Really awesome. I like that scene/era.
Wow, that Phantom is HUGE!
Now I hear it!
Do animals have souls?
Near the end he apologizes for some language in the background but I couldn't make it out. Can any of you?
Well executed, but not my cup of tea. Someone will buy it, I see a lot of EGs and EKs in Dallas with body kits, fart cans, loud paint jobs and such. So I would say it's a FAIR price that I know someone else would pay, but not I.
Snu snu has been around for a while.
I'd rather watch that than many other sports. COUGH*PASSTIME*COUGH
Are those LEDs real?
BBQs are just bigger here.