It’s not anime canon since broly and bardock were retconned in super.
It’s not anime canon since broly and bardock were retconned in super.
I really wish they had made normal idle animations for dialogue and stuff. It’s really unsettling watching them in their fight poses having a casual conversation.
Did Fundy pay for this article?
Nah, the average person on Kotaku can’t accept a middle-ground. It’s either absolute evil or absolute good. /s
I don’t know if you’re just missing context or what, but you’re missing *something*. This user posted that he’s been playing with a friend and his friend couldn’t get into the church, but he can so he went to reddit to ask why he was able to but his friend can’t.
Why would that help? Goku has both a mother and a father. Saiyans and humans are very close in terms of physiology, so much so they are sexually compatible. That doesn’t mean they *are* human though. The reason Goku has so much trouble is because he was simply never taught. He grew up alone for a good portion of his…
No, the last skull is actually beneficial to the player, that’s why he said you can’t use it.
Nintendo’s Lawyers have entered the chat.
What does 2023 have to do with this?
They specifically showed and advertised 10 games. We’re getting 1-2 (2 games)and both versions of 3-6 (8 games). What I’m curious about is what versions of the games we’ll get. If it’s just ported GBA titles we might be missing a ton of content. If we get the virtual console versions we’ll have most of the content.…
Do you just wake up in the morning and synthesize random nonsense in your brain to spout as fact later on in the day? Almost nothing you’ve claimed is true. You just half admit you were wrong on so many points and carry on like you were never wrong to begin with. It’s amazing how confidently incorrect one person can…
Being different than previous titles isn’t innovative and nothing the Digimon series has done has brought any innovation to games at all. All they’ve done is taken some good ideas from other series and slapped the Digimon title on it. Don’t get me wrong, I like the Digimon franchise, but they’ve not done anything…
Come back in 3 days and you’ll look quite the fool
Didn’t that get overturned shortly after?
By all means, give us a detailed explanation of the usefulness of NFTs my cryptolord.
Game company does something completely scummy to sell the game to unwitting players and then turns around and makes some small changes as a sign of good faith. Let’s be real, if they cared about the players to begin with, they wouldn’t have completely duped reviewers into thinking they got something different than…
If those are your solutions to the problem I think you’ve missed the entire point of the article, sadly.
Very sad about Valkyrie Profile. It might be a good game, but it’s missing the core identity of what made it VP :(