
I’m sorry but... are you saying xbox exclusives do?

More like they aren’t trying to stereotype?

It’s so much of an issue that it destroyed Wii U sales? Is that concept really that convoluted? No, not at all.

Imagine being a person who never bought a console before, their kids ask for the new Xbox Series X, you show up and see an Xbox One X at a store and thinking that’s the correct thing because you’re not part of the know. Then someone calls you dumb because you didn’t distinctly know the difference. That’s this forum

Isn’t this the media group that constantly advocates for deleting their facebook? 

No one had any of the games installed because they all vehemently refuse to buy more hard drive space, and frankly, I’m just sick of it. I even yelled at them!”

No one had any of the games installed because they all vehemently refuse to buy more hard drive space, and frankly,

Just a small contention but wouldn’t it be to say that Square Enix doesn’t have the money not Crystal Dynamics, as SE is the overhead company. It’d be sort of like saying “Marvel TV Studios” doesn’t have the money for something instead of Marvel as whole, no?

This is simply not true. The only thing I provided was 2 pieces of mail and my current address.

...Anyone of any color can be lynched.

What... science exactly? Do you even know what science is? Because I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

Your solution is narrow-sighted. How exactly are we going to do anything about established cliques? How are we going to become an officer and make changes that are immediately needed? You don’t just become an officer and immediately start at the top. And even if you did have some sort of authority, how are you going

That is quite true.

I despise people who do this. And also people who do this   . There's no need for your spaces before your punctuation! 

This happens to me sometimes. I have unusually large hands and accidentally hit enter at times.

I get that this shit sucks and a lot of white people suck, but generalizing an entire race isn’t the way to go about this either. You’re just doing the same thing those white people are and letting your rage take over. But in a society where this kind of heinous act can occur, I don’t blame you at all for being

It’s called cornrows

I wonder if e-mailing Nintendo and being like “Yo, I was gifted the code and had no idea it was stolen” or some form of it would work. I mean, there are legitimate situations where that’s the case. Someone could even give away a stolen code *intentionally* without the other user knowing to maliciously get them banned. 

Can you hit them with chargebacks? It would certainly send a message to “Fuck off”

As someone who uses quite often, you’re stance is just wrong. Keysellers almost always have it much cheaper than the alternative. Especially for games that NEVER go on sale or only slightly reduce their price.