Such a weird story. I can only imagine it went down like this
Such a weird story. I can only imagine it went down like this
Who cares? It’s just a word. Words only have power if you give them power. I could declare jujubombadoo is the worst word humanly possible and no one would care unless they gave it power. Words are just words. You could call me any word or say any combination of words to me and I wouldn’t bat an eye. Because words are…
It showed up on VRV immediately, which is a shared subscription service if you’re already subbed to crunchyroll. So check there next time if crunchyroll is being slow.
This has however done one thing. It’s brought the community together. Most of FFXIV is a short grind with little social interaction. Some people go out of their way for more, but not really. Over the past few days I’ve met a bunch of new people that I’ve spent hours with. Sometimes even in voice with. Most content in…
Real life DMCA inc
Man I’ve been living and breathing for years! I didn’t know doing it for even 20 hours was stupid and insane!
Er, the anime is released first in the case of super. The manga is behind this time.
Call me back when Tales of Vesperia is ever added, thanks.
The fact that we have to fight for something like this is incredibly baffling and frustrating.
Do you A: Want things the way the currently are?
Or B: Want things the way they currently are but are completely worse for most of the US population?
Removing Net Neutrality doesn’t benefit anyone except the big corporations.…
I honestly doubt they are. I never new game+ souls games and only did the main game + the dlc before doing the chalice dungeons and didn’t have much trouble. The final chalice boss is surprisingly one of the easiest. (Note: I’m also not very good at souls games)
Not every game is unreasonably priced, but there are plenty that are.
I mean... every console except the Xbox is made in Japan, as such most developers are Japanese.
I mean there are plenty of obvious things that devs do that can make you not want to play the game without having to try it. Microtransactions, forced DLC to get the entire story (unfinished game), etc.
Way to cherry-pick.
And the sky is blue.
You’ve... completely misunderstood what they were saying.
Just curious, you say Last Record every time in this article, but the screen above shows “Last Recode”. Where’s the real one?!
By making yourself look like Willem Dafoe from Spider-Man with little arms and legs attached to your face?
This... doesn’t look very good. The whole selling point of sonic is that he’s fast... and this looks like everything in the stage is just there to slow you down (jumping, jump pads, enemies, etc.) Your own game’s physic engine should not be something that slows you down in a game that’s based on a character breaking…