
They’ve posted fake news/rumors as facts before. Kotaku has a bad reputation. Don’t trust what they publish without checking their sources.

Please fact check before you post stuff like this.

If this is the video I think it is then it pretty much confirmed one of my theories showing the popularity chart. Bleach should have ended when Ichigo lost his powers. The series had no direction after that. Ichigo gets new powers, gets his old ones back, never uses the new ones again.. multiple times. Anyways the

I actually prefer the Persona 3 and 4 English voice cast. When I saw everyone saying that Persona 5 needed dual audio because of the bad dub, I was like “What? There’s no way this could be bad. They usually do a great job.” Listened to the English trailer and was immediately turned off, even I want dual audio and I’m

I’ve figured it out, you know how to read, but you lack apprehension.

I don’t think you know how to read. It’s not my definition, as I’ve stated before. It’s the definition used in the article taken from the subreddit.

I’m not defending it. Are you just trying to spark needless drama? You’re taking this WAY out of context. The guy asked what it made JoJo according to them specifying certain criteria that didn’t have anything to do with their definition, and I replied stating as much. The setting and ending theme has nothing to do

The shop contest hasn’t even started and you’ve already won.

It’s not a series, which is the main criteria that they probably didn’t want it there. While I agree it doesn’t fully fit with their definition, I disagree that they should’ve removed it.

It’s not my definition and I don’t agree with it. It’s the definition that was listed right there in the middle of the article, JFC. I’m on the side that says this SHOULD be allowed to be posted.

Did you even read the entire article “an animated series, produced and aired in Japan, intended for a Japanese audience.” The setting and such has nothing to do with their definition.

I pre-ordered a game in California then moved to Tennessee. I was able to change the location of the pre-order at my local store. What’s the difference between this situation other than the store closing down? It should still be in their database.

“on their mind at the mind.” If you say so.

FFXIV. I finally realized after about a year and half that I didn’t enjoy anything in the game besides making my character look good, which is not worth $15 a month. I was even in the top 10 raid groups for my server, so it’s not like I barely played. I tried pretty much everything the game had to offer.

Make the cookie and the filling swedish fish flavored ;)

With enough money, you can buy anything.

  • Invincibility frames added to dashing

He WAS playing against a really bad AI.

It’s easy to say that GoG has better customer service when Steam has none at all.

No, but literally the areas listed as stretch goals that didn’t make it in are technically cut content.