
I was kind of turned off that he didn't even try to attempt the voice or even install some lines into a speaker or something.

I'll have to agree with Metagross and Swampert—and to throw muh dick own picks in here...well, I basically have two lists. muh dick "watch the world burn" list includes Ludicolo (because he's a ridiculous party Pokemon), Slaking (because that would be hilarious), Nosepass, Wailord (plz make him even bigger), Spinda,

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I didn't really understand the QTE for mouse and keyboard at first, then after failing miserably and getting tired of seeing the same seen over and over I managed to figure it out. :/

I gotta agree with you on this one. They look sort of hyper realistic? Would that be the correct term here? Ideally cars would look like this, but that's not how they actually look.

2. Have much smaller hands than I do. This is statistically pretty easy.

2. Have much smaller hands than I do. This is statistically pretty easy.

Not a Good Match For: The squeamish, wolf-lovers, those who have already played the 2013 game. The Definitive Edition is lovely looking, but it doesn't add any new gameplay or feel all that different from the game that came out last year.

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are useless and affect nothing, one way or the other. Beyond the dialogue scenes, the only sounds Ludger makes are a series of screams and grunts. In a game like Zelda where no one has a voice—or in a game like Portal 2 where the other characters make fun of your mute status—this would be fine. But in a game where

and away the strongest and most versatile character in the game.

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South Park: Stick of Truth go!


Isn't this pretty much what happened when he became prime one million?

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