
so wait... you KNOW the console is also portable and saying that shit? So what next, you gonna blame Apple and Samsung for the phones not running ME:Andromeda then?

It’s 2017 and you still don’t know what Nintendo’s focus is on. You should be embarrassed.

It’s 2017 and you still don’t know what Nintendo’s focus is on. You should be embarrassed.

Is that 900p on the television, or on the handheld, though?

I put it in my pocket.

A Nintendo attendant told me that [Zelda: Breath of the Wild] runs significantly better on Switch than it does Wii U

It’s basically a Wii U level port. Only portable.
No need to be snappy about the hardware deficiencies.

It was hard for all of us Wii U owners to see the footage with Nintendo rubbing their middle fingers in our face.

The Gang Gives Frank an Intervention isn’t even top 100?!? INTERVENTION! INTERVENTION!

Chardee MacDennis isn’t top 5?!

Well, the next Snacktaku should be interesting...

Behold the power of an organized, unified labour front!

If only the rest of the games industry—and the rest of America, frankly--would do the same things would be better off.

please no. anything school related cant possibly produce anything worth watching. theyll find some way to turn it into a high school type thing. if they are gonna do it anywhere close to right, theyll be on the mission already or something. at the very least they can be shown leaving the village, but for the love of

There’s just one of you idiots in every thread about popular games. “I don’t like X so why do you post about it? Wah.”

People like you are the reason half the population doesn’t believe in global warming, evolution, vaccines, etc. Because they hear “theory” and they think anyone can come up with equally plausible guesses based on nothing.

WOW! This company is acting like a company! I’m outraged! How dare they!? /s

I think you’ve swapped “guesses” or “hypothesises” for “theories.”

Sometimes I think theories are aborted alien fetuses manifested on our dimensional plane to help guide us to better quotes that aptly describe Destiny as a game.

I ‘unno though...

Wrong, it’s one of the best FPS games ever.

What about all the haters who wanted an interesting single player exploration game with actually exciting planets?