
Looks interesting and if I had any money left from other things I purchase I may have backed it but it does look very familiar and doesn't seem to offer an experience I can't already find in games that I already own. I'm sure if it gets funded and releases I'll eventually pick it up through a humble bundle but as of

Fez was definitely the first thing I thought of when I saw the blocks at the first five seconds of the ad.

Titanfall is fun. Unfortunately I don't feel like it is a $59.99 release. $39.99 would have been a lot more fair in my opinion. The amount of content is disappointing with only 7 primary weapons compared to Call of Duty: Ghosts' 34 and Battlefield 4's staggering 64 (some are the same gun but with different stats). For

No, that crack was too easy.


Please explain what you mean. I'm a strong believer that Morrowind is the best Elder Scrolls game but it has many flaws that have only been fixed in the newer entries. Thinking about it more the only aspect that limits your freedom (that I can think of) in the later games would be getting items as level scaled drops/

Autism isn't funny and is certainly not something to make light of.

Obligatory Battman post.

Looks like Portal + Tomb Raider to me.

It's a good thing that actresses and actors aren't judged fully on their appearance and a good thing that you're not in casting.

Because you're telling someone who is standing up for equality to go to Jezabel making it sound like 1.) Kotaku doesn't care about equality and 2.) that women's issues only pertain to women's "blogs". Both of which are wrong. Your reply could easily be compared to someone talking about civil rights and then another

When I get asked if I'm "Working hard or hardly working" I like replying with "Both".

Who, the obvious Joker? Yeah, probably the only one.

Wrecking ball wasn't written by Miley Cyrus for example.

Does Angry Birds make you mad?

That's probably the only reason to trust me.

I work at a pizza place and have made a nutella pepperoni. It wasn't bad but I think I didn't put enough nutella on. it was fairly dry. Maybe not enough cheese.

Well I honestly love mole sauce more then most things so this doesn't really strike me as odd, sounds tasty honestly.