
In case you’re having trouble picking up the details there, Sen. Nelson thinks that if anyone at all outside of the defense establishment knows what the B-21 costs, then that would be Helping Our Enemies.

Nope. Still don’t care.

If I wanted to travel with something that smells bad I’d just take public transportation.

Shoot, I might have to vote for Trump now.

Why would anyone buy this instead of a Volvo S90?

I want someone to save this car. But I sure as hell wouldn’t want it to be me.

Good thing I don’t give a shit then.

...but she’s the epitome of the liberal hypocrite. Freedom is great, as long as you only use it in ways they approve of. Otherwise...

Nice P...oh, wait...I’m supposed to pay them to drive that? Definitely crack pipe.

Agreed. Newer ones risk sinking the owner in maintenance costs, otherwise I might have bought one.

Same here, but I must admit that the A7 looks better.

I have to go NP on this, the rationale being that the price actually looks pretty good compared to a comparable Defender or FJ in the US while being a little more different and special.

Here’s hoping that no NHTSA officials ever find themselves taking a flight on an Airbus.

“Man, those motors must be really powerful,” you must be thinking.

The idea is also laughable that the Pentagon should only buy hugely expensive weapons in vast quantities that are all capable of taking on China or Russia. This may be a great plan for defense contractors but a losing one for the U.S. military.

That’s exactly what it is. Using unmarked cars for traffic enforcement has nothing to do with safety and everything to do with cashing in.

FCA reportedly has a 150-day supply of 200s,

Even without a trailer, that semi truck tractor should be north of 15,000 pounds and way beyond the little Dodge’s rated tow limit.

Why is this dumb? And why is this any different than any situation where a person might take a job with a different employer at lower pay when the new position might be better by other measures?

We’re all wide-eyed over the brand-spanking-new Fiat 124 convertible