
If that’s a concern for you then make your choices accordingly. Don’t try to make everyone else’s choices for them too because that puts you in the same category as religious zealots asking for laws against things they consider sins.

Whale oil was falling out of common usage long before it was regulated. But, ignoring that, someone is going to have to explain why we need whales at all. Extinction would not be a disaster, or even an impact.

Not my problem.

There’s no excuse to continue a bad system. Every good thing happened for a first time somewhere.

It’s their business what they believe in and how they make decisions.

That’s not a rebuttal.

Economics is imprecise and often unpredictable, but that does not make it bullshit. Economics is directly derived from various scientific principles: biological processes and the laws of thermodynamics to start with.

That’s not an excuse.

Nobody says it needs to be entirely unregulated, but it should have as few regulations as possible.

Then choose transportation accordingly and I’ll choose mine. They day you put up the cash to buy a car for me is the day your priorities will matter.

I’ve seen horse on roads so I’m not sure that ban ever happened. But I’m pretty sure nobody ever proposed a horse ban to force people to move to cars. Lack of horses didn’t cause the rise of cars just like lack of stones didn’t end the stone age.

It violates property rights and the right to engage in economic activity. Quite simply, nobody’s rights are violated by selling a gas powered car therefore nobody has grounds to ban it.

I know there are some really out of touch people in the world, but are there people who seriously think that economics is bullshit? Is that even a real thing?

Economics are the real and relevant results of very real and relevant sciences. The existence of economics is owed wholly to science.

Think about that statement for a second: if they’re just a very small minority, then they’ll have almost no macro effect and the market to serve them won’t be economically viable. Or they’re not that small of a group and your limiting the freedoms of a lot of people. Either way, your view is wrong.

So is the case that “people are stupid” or is it “people decided this collectively and you have to go along with it”? I agree that many people are stupid, but that isn’t illegal and it doesn’t violate my rights.

There’s a difference between libertarians and anarchists.

In which case gas and diesel powered cars will go away when consumers decide they don’t want them anymore.

Tyranny of the majority is flat out wrong. People can individually do as they wish. If the world really is deciding that, by many people individually making their independent decisions, then there is no need for any of this regulation.

If that’s enough reason for you, then go find an alternative. That does not mean you get to decide whether or not it’s enough reason for anyone else.