Just remember, I almost certainly like AdBlock more than your video and I also almost certainly like my money more than I like your video.
Just remember, I almost certainly like AdBlock more than your video and I also almost certainly like my money more than I like your video.
Someone please explain how this is a complete reboot? If I didn’t know better I’d say that video was from Carbon. Or Underground 2. Or Underground.
At least he’s raising awareness for breast cancer.
The twelve year old part of me really hopes that Jack Goff puts down a bit of money on Hoof Hearted.
Good. Now get the rest.
Assad is a bad guy and the only good thing you can say about him is that he’s not ISIS. Nothing that leaves Assad in power could be called a victory or solution.
Hope this is true. Now let’s get the rest.
The fact that you cannot trust reasonable people to be able or willing to make the distinction between painting one’s face black for a blackout football game and actual blackface is the real problem here. It’s genuinely sad that the university must act in fear of stupid people.
Ladies and Gentlemen: I have just been handed an urgent and horrifying news story. I need all of you to stop what you are doing and listen...
Beat me to it.
Due to the issues with the plane’s hydraulics, the landing was at a higher rate of speed than usual, reportedly causing the brakes to spark and ignite into a fire, which was subsequently extinguished by emergencies responders.
With all this in mind, if we built enough F-22s to eradicate the enemy’s defenses, both in the air and on the ground, and improved the aircraft over time, perhaps even stretching it into an FB-22 with F-35 like avionics, would the USAF need an F-35A at all?
This whole thing is stupid since the pitch that got Maddon and Rondon ejected was clearly unintentional.
I like that Volvo’s trying, but that’s basically just the world’s most expensive Focus RS.
Chalk one up for doing things the right way.
Add in the cost of a nice vinyl wrap and this car is still a good enough deal. Nice price.
1. Lose your job.
Wow. I like it. I just hope it has the mechanical chops and driving qualities to match its competitors.
Exactly. Sideline reporters are generally useless but let’s think about this for a minute: The whole idea of sideline reporters is getting raw reaction very quickly after the fact. In this case that is exactly what we got and we’re supposed to be all angry about it? This is like listening in on racers’ radios and…
The initial question of course being “why does someone have three Pontiac Azteks,”