
And it's a wagon. Sort of.

Actually, most of the stunts in Tokyo drift were real. Tanner Foust was one of the drivers that was hired to stunt drive in the movie, and the cars were all built to spec.

Ok, not defending the Audi guy, but... The problem is that cyclists have been given legal right to huddle in front of cars in the UK, and usually ride (slowly, naturally) in a pack in front of them after the light turns, impeding their passage, many time deliberately because they "have the right". That bad behaviour

When a douchebag meets a douchebag
Coming through the rye,
When a douchebag punches a douchebag,
Need anybody cry?

Meh. If you take it upon yourself to catch up with someone with the sole purpose of yelling at them you have to be prepared for this type of thing. I learned a long time ago that nothing good ever comes from an altercation on the road, too much metal, to much adrenaline to expect a "measured" response.

So if you drive badly, and somebody tells you that you drive badly, they've earned their punch in the face?

Hey asshole, it's a job. We have workplace regulations and wage laws for everyone. Regardless of what that job is.

I cry just watching the cartoon movie, 'Bambi'. It's best that I not view this video.

Christ, what the hell do people expect of cars? Invincibility?

Frankly, I can't find a single bad thing about Skoda.

I believe Skoda is already making Volkswagen obsolete for a growing number of value conscious shoppers in Europe. They aren't cut-rate cars for budget buyers by any stretch, they're well built (some say the best build quality in the whole VAG), well styled, well engineered, and include lots of thoughtful features that

Skoda is a great brand, not only Volkswagen's best, but one of the world's greatest.

Nothing I hate more than coming up faster than expected on a white or silver/gray car in a snowstorm with no lights on because I didn't know they were there. Goddamn idiots

Too bad no wagon version though.

1000 ton ship? 500 of those must be the gifantinc freakin balls of the crew.

As my UK uncle states, "we're just not prepared". It doesn't snow often enough to justify the outlay of enough equipment and materials but when you do get the snow everyone just throws their hands in the air.

I think rallycross, because it can be done in a stadium in front of a large audience, is the most likely to actually have a chance at being an event. While the current series we have certainly has its flaws, if said flaws were ironed out it would be a kick ass olympic event.

No fair. All we ever got was the belt.

Fuck...that's the saddest thing I've read this week.