
oh my goodness, i cringe every time i see her walk into a job site wearing flip flops. what in the hell.

I don’t think these accounts support the framing Jezebel gave them. They both seem much more complex and nuanced, and it is unclear to me that CPS actually did anything wrong. Yes, the mothers wish things could have gone differently/faster, but they both clearly needed interventions; they received interventions; and

I live and work as a lawyer in Canada, so I don’t know what the fundamental principle of child protection legislation is in America, but here each province has its own legislation. What all of those different Acts have in common is, the fundamental principle of child welfare/protection legislation is to protect/work

There is no need to be nasty. The woman’s almost 50 years old - yeah, her weight fluctuates but overall she’s still looking pretty good. Not that her looks are all that matters anyway.

Rasmea Odeh also lied on her asylum documents. It’s almost like people who are desperate for safety will do whatever they can to get it?

Guess you’re disliking the female head discrimination in most extreme segments of various religions, then. Poor Chasidic women often must shave their damn heads and wear wigs. In my mind, that makes wearing a scarf NBD.

Is anything about her past a fact?:

I also support the right of Jews to self-determination. But as a Jewish ethno-nationalist state, Israel cannot uphold equal rights. That is a fact. So the question then, is, can a Jewish state exist that doesn’t systematically violate basic human rights?

“the brand of Zionism she fights against is not the brand of Zionism I recognize”
“one cannot be a Zionist and a feminist at the same time. I am indeed both, thankyouverymuch”

So is the “brand of Zionism” that has resulted in the current apartheid state that is Israel your brand of Zionism, or not? I’m totally open to

How the hell is an article entitled “Linda Sarsour Echoes Donald Trump” not sensationalist? How is an article that calls Rasmeah Odeh a convicted terrorist without mentioning that her confession was coerced not sensationalist? Give me a break.

The left is so susceptible to right wing propaganda, we saw it with Hillary Clinton and now we’re seeing it with Nancy Pelosi and with activist leaders like Sarsour. It seems like people on the left internalize the negative propaganda and start couching anything positive they have to say with things like, “I’m no

Also, her antizionism is antisemitic considering she only has a problem with a Jewish state and not a Muslim state, nor is she calling for a United Yugoslavia last that I heard.

Don’t forget hand-picking the President of the United States.

The dumpster fire that is the GOP just continues to burn its eternal shit flame.

Can we just cut to the chase and call all humans capable of gestation incubators?

their adult mental gender

The most stupid thing about this incredibly stupid situation is that they named the baby Searyl Atli Doty which sounds like a word scramble you’d get on the back of a Denny’s menu.

“More explicitly, one can be born with a brain hard-wired like a male and the anatomy of a woman.”

Exactly how someone can never say they “feel like a woman” when they have not lived the systemic oppression that comes with being born and raised into a body that is biologically female.

“Transgender is believed to arise from a difference in the wiring of the brain vs. physical anatomy.” This is a faith-based argument. A hypothesis without actual evidentiary support.