@MadonnaProject: It's been a while since I've seen a good old disemvoweling. I obviously haven't been reading comments enough, lately.
@MadonnaProject: It's been a while since I've seen a good old disemvoweling. I obviously haven't been reading comments enough, lately.
@Bhazor: Not really. I mean, most console games with offline options don't force you to play them with an internet connection. They don't make you jump through ridiculous registration key processes. They don't flag the disc you bought as yours permanently.
We all know that the US pokemon will just end up using the same old Pokemon logo in the end, anyway.
@PowerButton: Rant rant rant, you do know they actually -promised- that they wouldn't remove the Install OS option from older systems, right? Back when they said the Slim wasn't getting it, I mean.
This is a somewhat... awkwardly titled article, I think.
@sardonicbastard: Yeah. I'm having the same trouble. I've got the option in the menu for faster updates, but not the icon clicking.
@deanbmmv: I was joking. =p
@Weaselfingers: True enough, but I check my feeds on multiple platforms like TweetDeck, Bloo (android), and Brizzly. Blocking stuff on your main feed there blocks it from those feeds as well. Spiffy, eh? :33
@BanhammerStrikesBack: Ouch. That kind of sucks. The most I ever get is the occasional "I need a brick! Help a fellow out!" esque status.
@BanhammerStrikesBack: You know, you can remove updates from specific applications from your feed. I've blocked most every farm/restaurant/mafia/zombie/vampire/werewolf game from my feed. Status updates, pictures, and links only. The occasional tolerable application stays, though.
@Theclassnerd: Racists, all of you. He just looks bored, if you zoom in.
@Chrismith: Nice. Worked like a charm. I wonder if doing this removes any other functionality, though... (none that I've noticed, anyway).
I don't need your silly scrolling gestures, I've got a trackpoint....
My pokemon go unnamed. Only those bred for their role, and trained to the top shall earn a name, and then, it is one which is appropriately badass.
Aw. I was expecting a fight to the bitter, cold death.
Holy crap, I never finished this game. My discs got scratched, and it'd break during a cutscene right after a boss. :<
@TitillatedOcelot: I'll have your head on a pike for that one.
If you're making a shortcut to a shortcut, why not replace it with the whole thing? o_O
@teejmya: Nope:
This isn't a flaw. This is like saying a megaphone violated my friends privacy when I accidentally screamed her address into it.