One can imagine that face getting bigger and more intense
One can imagine that face getting bigger and more intense
You guys are just going to make a new article for everything anyway, so I'm just going to be refreshing the front page.
The PS4 killer game...
Nintendo says the same thing about Sony and the Vita :D
Buy, complete, complete again, get kind of bored, start a playthrough on hard, get bored, delete from steam, ignore.
OMFG I can't stop laughing:…
Someday I'll be famous enough to have my videos included in round-ups. *sadface*
That's it, I'm buying a WiiU.
Seriously, the best thing to come out of gaming all year.
Crazy viral marketing for Nintendo.
Might be my favorite so far, just for the devil-may-care hop at the end.
Why are people making such a big deal about this? They talk, so what? So do 400 movies in the 90's... The game looks cute for kids which the vita is lacking many kids games. It is like people are picking on it just because it isn't a genre they like, I'm confused on what all the hate is about.
It's not as good as Ubisoft told us it would be, but it's not nearly as bad as some people are making it out to be. It's a perfectly adequate game.
Rainbow Road is in Mortal Kombat 8?
Video needs a spoiler tag! One of them died at the end! Completely ruined the game for me. It's not as if revenge is going to be a theme...
I'm assuming Goldberg is in this game.