
Definitely a bad decision. Oh well.

Rather than using the c-stick on the 3ds i think it’s better controller wise. As for battery life sure 3ds won, but Switch is also made for the big screen, which is a plus. Back during Mh3U i bought both 3ds and Wii U version but I end up playing most of it on the Wii U and sold the the 3ds version. It looks better on

I’d buy that empty box for collection lol

Pretty sure they want the hits after that Zelda one working on pc. Tbh yeah it’s like they encourage people to pirate now by giving more exposure to it. What a bad news site tbh

Hahaha, to bad for you.. Much complaining, enjoy the game as is, like everyone else.

Too bad for you lmao.

It’s only one time thing for Mario Run. It unlocks the full game and that’s just it.

They always milking it so hard with little content. I didn’t like the stuff that is suppose to be in the game already but they just make it exclusive to some expansions or stuff packs.

I hope Nintendo take this down, stuff like this coming out early is pretty much Piracy rather than backing up their games lmao. No pathetic excuses.

There is only one screen protector that caused this issue. It’s the Hori Premium Screen Protector. White package with some gold

The measurement thing looks like a penis. I can’t be the only one thinking so. Oh Japan!

Well there is a thousand of weapons in the game for a reason, and they want you to use them all if possible. The point of you not being able to use the same weapon all the time is so there is a balance to it, like i’ve said before. More scenarios that can make the game more fun that way. Like one time I sneak through

You just like your easy game then, fine. It is what makes some encounter memorable. If you just want a game without a challenge and all sure. It would be so broken if a weapon never breaks. It will just mean all the other low damage weapon are pointless and you will just end up using the good one. That’s not how you

Clearly you haven’t played the game lol. Even the Master Sword can’t be used all the time, it has a charge limit. Lol! Nice try though

You’d rather be overpowered, and have your sword last longer, rather than playing it in a balance way. What they did is good as is. Or not everything would be too easy.

Getting the Switch accessories that I want is really frustrating. Not only is it expensive, it’s out of stock due to me lacking the money after purchasing the Switch and a forced bundle of 1-2 Switch and Zelda. What’s worse, i’m somewhere in Asia rip. I did get myself a Hori blue screen protector, the official

Ignorant fool

Hahahaha what a joke, how many times have I heard this one. It will never happen. Never

It’s might be your setup really, which interferes the tracking of PSVR. I’ve tried it many times, but I’ve not encountered much of this jitter issues. 

Forza Horizon 3 and Fifa 17. Bith not being a Steam game. :/