
Please let it be alive!

You should get both!

Let it be Wii U exclusive.. Wii U needs all the help it can get!

The PS4 killer game...


Completely worth it to get a Wii U just for this game. I hope there is more new memes for it.

That is really awesome.. but but.. if it was the Wind Waker version it would have been a lot more awesome...

Oh and Kotaku forgot to mention the MK8 free DLC which was announced for Japan.

Yes and it's going to be a free DLC.

David Beckham

And it's also coming to Europe on the same date.

I love my Wii U the most at the moment if you want to compared it to my PS4. Sure it has some lack of games when it was first launched but now there are a lot that you could play and look forward to. I bought my Wii U just for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate(800+ hours in and still playing), I somehow believe it won't be

I watch this yesterday and it was amazing. The music and the way he compose this video is great. I'll be looking forward for more DS2 vids from him. Although i've already got all the achievements, the video makes me wanna play DS2 again.

While i'm loving my PS4.. It is now collecting dust. After playing Resogun and Killzone multiplayer for a few week at launch, there isn't much to play.. Waited for a few months and Infamous 2nd Son comes out.. Played the game for 3 days and platinum it. A few weeks after that I got myself Dynasty Warrior 8. It's a lot

Hatching one of them would be cool. And if we could bring them to battle..that would be awesome. MH5 features.

Dude Nendoroids are everywhere in shops that sells figures..

This somehow reminded me of the old TCG card where there is Dark Charizard and etc.

I would. I have the Wiimote, Pro controller and the classic controller(if it works). Which ever works best. Though the gamepad might be the best since there might be maps or something on the screen. Idk :p

You know you could use the other controllers...

Sure i'll wait. There like tons of other games to play anyway. I still am playing the first one. Which is for me my favourite. :)