
Nice, good to know Wii U is finally selling well. All this Wii U isn't good enough and shit have to end.. It's really a cool system. And Remote Play on the PS4 fails to deliver what Wii U off-screen play can do with no latency and full HD. I have them both and I can't brain how disappointing it is that PS4 can't

Just hoping the movement could look smoother.. It lacks good animation :(

It's really fun to play. Gameplay is quite good and the story mode is very nice especially for those who don't follow the anime, you can play while knowing the major story plot in the Shippuuden series. Though i'm not quite sure how is the new one. 3 and Full Burst was really nice but Generation is a bit of a

You are the stupidest guy i've ever known on the internet. Keep it up.

I am dissappointed.. Where is Nintendoland, Wonderful 101, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and NSMB U..

Hahahaha Sony's 4K TV!

Just no.. There is no drought if you play Japanese games.. Unlucky you..i'm having a blast with Vita. There was no drought since launch date :)

Fuck Kotaku. This is the last review i'll ever read on Kotaku. Not yet for COD G and Battlefield 4 while Killzone Shadow Fall got a straight up no... What a joke. No consistency and crap writers.. For some reason IGN is much better lol! 8.0/10 for KZ Shadow Fall.

I have to say that i'm interested in getting an Xbox One maybe in 3-4 years time or even early. I have never actually been interested in getting an Xbox ever.. had always been into PlayStation all this years. The features are really solid and for some reason I just want one. I know Xbox fans were disappointed at first

I love Mass Effect. I would like them to make something different? Maybe a world without the reapers? Oh yes please.

FU idiots

I would play the game again once this is out for sure :)

That is a pretty cool strap, mine DS didn't come with that thing :( Besides I got my DS free anyway from winning a competition lol!

I seriously missed that part.

Now playing

Whenever I hear the news of an online game going down soon, it reminded me of Sims Online aka EA Land. It was a lot of fun where I meet friends online and we pretty get attached to one another and became best friends online. It was fun until EA shut it down and everyone pretty much gone their separate way and we never

For someone who plays other consoles besides 3DS, it takes time to learn I guess. Would you not prefer a better experience playing your 3DS if Nintendo were to include a 2nd analog stick on the handheld. Well it's not like there is that much shooting games on the 3DS anyway.

I play my PC version on the TV while sitting on the couch with a Xbox Controller if i'm chilling..If I ever get serious i'll play with the keyboard and mouse and bring my PC chair :D

FPS and 3rd person shooter games will suck on the 3DS unless they support the circle pad pro.

Do some math bro thousands is not enough.. Oh MS fans... Your logic is fcuked up as well.