Xenoblade Chronicles is that expensive. I can't really blame them, people on ebay or selling it at an even higher price.
Xenoblade Chronicles is that expensive. I can't really blame them, people on ebay or selling it at an even higher price.
I can't wait to laugh at those who bought the Xbox 1 in 2 to 3 years time when they find out that there is not going to be that much of an exclusive for the console. History has shown how much support Microsoft has shown when it comes to exclusive games and it will happen again for sure in the next gen console.
It's definitely an issue. When I bring my Wii U to my friend's house, people was like what's this? I was like it's the new Wii U. My friend was like what?.... Wii is an old console... And I have to explain to them about the new console for like 5 minutes. Nintendo should do some research next time on how to name their…
I've yet to start playing Ace Attorney yet, so that might be the reason why. I'll pick the game up though nonetheless. Planning to play the Trilogy on iOS before I start playing the new one. As for Proffesor Layton, i'm a big fan of it but i'm too into AC, that might be the reason why i'm so excited. It's also good…
This AC Plaza was the best thing they announced IMO, in the new Nintendo Direct. Hopefully there will be an AC game for the Wii U as well to increase its sales.
This looks really awesome, can't wait to get my hands on this. Might be one of those good ones like Colors and Generation. Say what you hate Colours and Generation? FU. Lol.
I've never thought of playing my Wii U like you did there in the last pic. That's just awesome. This makes me want to get a bag for my Wii U. A TV commercial should be made by Ninty to show this cool way of playing the Wii U.
I wish there was more games like this where it's more about the slice of life of a character and all. I'm just into slice of life.
Man I wish there was a Vita version as well. It would be soo perfect.... I'll get the PC version instead..
I have a Wii U and I don't think I want COD on it. It would be a good addition for everyone else, but if I were to buy it I'd get the PC version instead. I bought a Wii U just for Nintendo exclusive and Monster Hunter.
No one? Makes no sense dude. Makes no sense.
Minecraft Man of Steel Movie please..
This is Daft Punk. Maybe Justin Bieber or Nicki Minaj is your time of music. Bye
Monster Hunter x Street Fighter anyone?
No for Vita..Just nooo. Never was and never will be region locked. Thanks.
Well.. i've bought my Fifa from 11 to 13 on my PC and now I don't think i'll get 14 on PC. Guess i'll get it on the PS4.