
Get a Vita.

The first thing i'm going to do if I bought IGN is, fire Greg Miller.

Stupidest comment ever. It's all about how awesome it is, games like Journey or Flower was one of the best game i've played even if it's short.

It's pretty much out for me since i'm in Asia. There is even Ragnarok Odyssey and a bunch of other japanese rpg since i'm on Japan PSN.

RPG types of games is better on the Vita. Just saying. 3DS doesn't have that much yet.

True. My Move controller have been collecting dust. :(

Make something like Dishonored in a different world.

Not Japanese. Korea dude. Music is Mister by Kara

LOL! Nice one!

Gaming headset...... I prefer something more towards the audiophile path. An AudioTechnica ATH-AD700 is way much better with a wide soundstage and SQ. Event though it doesn't have a mic, you could get those separately at a cheap price. I used to have a Razer Megalodon and I don't really like the virtual ss. Gaming

Just downloaded the game just now. Simple and fun. I like the cloud sound btw. Awww yeaah!

Well i'm kind of sad about MH not being available for the Vita. But it might happen at a later time, so just take a chill pill.

What about the Vita?

Woho my GeForce GTX 680 wins!

Omg thanks. Looks alright for the Vita. They claim it looks the same on PS3 and I want to see it for myself when it's release before I get mine.

Journey. PS3 game.

Good to know at least I can expect some games for next year. There is already a bunch of games coming out this year to keep me busy.


No worries. Sony did announce that Asus was Playstation certified, so it might take some time. You know how Sony is... they are always late when it comes to supporting stuff just look at the PSOne classic for Vita for an example.