
The fact that Banjo Kazooie are listed is proof that the leak is fake. No way in hell is Microsoft going to allow Nintendo to use their characters. It makes no damn sense.

Corpse Run is pretty hilarious if you’ve played Radiant Historia.

You don’t need to buy it, it’ll be releasing on GOG as well soon:


Ye gods, that poor thing looks like it had a teleporter accident.

This looks fantastic, and as daily Scary Go Round reader, me outraged that Allison made no mention whatsoever of this on his site. He immensely talented and yet seem to have this anti-marketing thing going on. Webcomics live and die on t-shirt sales, but Allison refuses to make any shirt that even remotely connected

Interesting, I recall the combat being solid. It had environmental impalement if I recall and no one was doing that sort of stuff yet I don’t think. Plus everyone was doing block puzzles back then, at least Raziel moved them quickly. I can’t imagine the game holds up that well design-wise nowadays but for its time I

Yeah, I don’t really get it. As you say, compared to Amnesia... and hell, compared to Penumbra, Soma was pretty story-driven rather than monster-driven.

The only part of the game that pissed me off was where you have to contend with... that guy. What was his name? Ackers?

The problem with it was - they’d already

I can only think of one, maybe two parts where the ‘monsters’ even posed a consistent/immediate threat. Those encounters enhanced the experience/deepened the lore for me. How are they going to adapt this safe mode to not include some of the things that contribute to the overall tone of the world/plot? It’s intriguing,

This happens all the time on a greenway my wife and I frequent. It’s on an old railroad right of way so it’s super wide, at least 12 feet of crushed stone with the clearing much wider. But of course, in spite of dozens of signs saying 6' maximum leash, idiots use retractables and let their dogs roam all over the path,


I was in the UK very recently and had a Sugru-related emergency. I couldn’t believe how high your thresholds were for free shipping!


Yep, Garrett is back!!

I was too late to enter the Elephant Wallet E8 which is similar to the TGT but much cheaper. At $11 it has been my favorite wallet ever. I prefer how you access the cards from the end and you can fan it open to see the faces of cards easily plus it includes small pouches for coins. You put a few cards on each side

I was too late to enter the Elephant Wallet E8 which is similar to the TGT but much cheaper. At $11 it has been my

Yet another in a long line of “small company with very specific vision that refuses to compromise” vs. “large fanbase with totally different vision.”

I don’t believe difficulty was the defining trait for System Shock, or least for SS2 anyway. Was it hard? Sure. Was it really that hard though? Only when you choose poor character progression, and that’s a problem that should be avoided.

System Shock is about atmosphere, terror, and wild wrench swinging.