The "standby" mode of the PSP was my "pause" button. It was hard using it seamlessly though.
The "standby" mode of the PSP was my "pause" button. It was hard using it seamlessly though.
Yeah that was my only complaint. When I saw this link I was like "3 minutes? That's like half of the DLC."
Yea the dungeons in that game were superb (well beside the like 2-minute first one) but I just could not get over how bad the overworld train mechanics were.
I completely agree. I was really disappointed in Spirit Tracks, and it is still my least favorite handheld Zelda game to date. I hate stylus controls, the train parts were boring and made the game too linear, and I absolutely loathed having to control Zelda as a statue. Bah.
The minimalist's Amazon Affiliate link article.
Not a calculator. HSBC Secure Key (OTP Generator)
+1 on the not something to be proud of.
While my experience with it wasn't perfect I actually didn't have too many issues with it. I played all of Ghost of Sparta on it and only had a few small hiccups.
Wait wait, you're going for irony right? The guy says the setup for PS3, not PS4 was seemingly unplayable, and he hopes they made it better. So you, "RespectedXboxFanboy" calls him a douche for hoping the setup has been improved upon. Which winds up making you look like the douche. Which if your name, and your…
I fully agree with this. This is what I tell everyone that asks me. In fact what I did when I went to college is got a netbook and then built a desktop and so I spent less than what most of my friends did (at least the ones that didn't listen to me!) and still got more power (from the desktop) and portability (from…
You mean "Channel 4's Misfits, that Hulu broadcasts outside of the UK". :p
I didn't like Amnesia at all. I just could not get into it, and I think it had something to do with the atmosphere, but this? The ambiance is strong with this one, and I think I'm going to like it a lot. I felt a genuine sense of tension just watching this video, I can't wait to play the game.
Nope. Nope nope nope. Nope nope.
The last one with 3 get 1 free did, so I don't think this'll be any different.
Why not Catbug?