Usually while driving. I didn't know many people who bothered to have cars at that age in the UK.
Usually while driving. I didn't know many people who bothered to have cars at that age in the UK.
Picked a good day for it. 14°C. In February!
I came here to say this.. Vince needs more credit.
AGDQ is always a dangerous time sink, this year was no different. This, time, however I was “lucky” enough to not be working. Sweet.
Damn, US only.
Oh Jesus let it die alr- Frank Klepacki?! TAKE ALL MY MONEY.
Will it be like a Laminated-Book-of Dreams?!
Whoops, not “sole”, meant to say “some”.
Nintendo certainly have sole control over the original Goldeneye game:
I wouldn't say it's impossible.. maybe Nintendo were able to negotiate with something Microsoft really wanted? Liiike licencing Microsoft to re-master Goldeneye. We live in a world of cross-country platform play, anything is possible!
The fact Shadow the Hedgehog was in it certainly gave the game away. But Banjo Kazooie makes me wish it was true.
I loved all their music but the last album was such a dissapointment.
Whatever happened to:
“People who bought the game when it was released.”
I can’t seem to find that reasoning anywhere. Can you link me please? The Steam version released a full month after the GOG release. Seems a bit shitty as the real fans would have been more likely to have bought this on GOG.
But not on GOG, where the enhanced edition was originally released?
It is! It’s from the Father Ted episode: The Passion of Saint Tibulus
Careful now.