perfect explanation
perfect explanation
63% of people who make over 200k vote republican according to this study.
Not surprising, Tesla's are expensive. Most rich people are conservatives with the exception of celebrities, because they didn't "earn" it in the same sense of the word.
Cheers to this guy, of course only if its legit. we see way to many of these where people are making this stuff up to get youtube visits and royalties.
one of their main audiences, the US, gets the majority of the brunt of their jokes. Still has tons of faithful viewers. also i cannot stand people who cannot laugh at themselves... they are sad little angry people and ruin the fun for all of us.
Never... ever... under any circumstance... brake check someone. the accident will be your fault.
ugly design, did not, will not age well. also 105 hp does not impress.
The biggest disappointment is the initial 1st-gear off-the-line takeoff. It's sluggish and boggy for that very first moment, until you get the revs up a bit. I eventually learned to be pretty throttle-heavy at first to compensate, but you're still not going to beat anyone to 15ft or so.
Why go that far, I hypothesized a while back about what it would be like when gas is needed about as often as an oil change. That to us will be absolutely amazing, but to the children growing up in that world... well, we would have nothing to talk about.
dont care what it looks like, would buy a stang over this any day if i were shopping for a muscle car. but im not, 2015 wrx for me because practical.
thats the code130R concept... supposed to be a toyobaru competitor.
or rail gun. or atom bomb. or laser...
i hear ya, most of them are Frankenstein cars, which i would guess is why they are picked by the writers and also the reason why they are normally voted as CP's. Every once in a while there are some really neat cars that cross the NP or CP though.
Cant pay in the range of a title car for a salvage car with some rs badges stuck on it... I would pay ten most... and even then its gonna cost you a lot more down the road. because audi.
Mario Kart 64... *drops mic.
there have been multiple reflashes for different reasons. one was to increase oil injected during startup and another was to smooth out a punch in power at about 5k when the larger injectors kicked in, sort of like vtec... now its much more linear in its power delivery
some RX-8 people pre-mix, i do not. the RX-8 engine is totally different including the oil delivery system. some people disable the oil metering system (which requires all kinds of other electrical work to stop the car from going into limp mode) and add quite a bit to the gas while others leave the current oil…
My buddy had this exact truck... explain yourself!
I have an 04 RX-8 GT with 103k on the car and 27k on the 2nd engine... i will be buying a new wrx as soon as possible... as much as i love the car and how amazing it looks and it is to drive, it is simply not good enough to make up for driving a ticking time bomb, and it is good... real good. I like the speed3's i…