
My aunt is nine years older - and she blames my current underemployment on my “past employment decisions” - as if 40 years of continuous employment in broadcasting is the cause and not greedy bankers, CEO’s and politicians handing them deregulation on a silver platter so the industry imploded. Yes, this is MY fault.

The patriarchy wants you to wear revealing clothing; Resist

Someone who can back it up with their actions and isn’t cynically using those words to get elected. The fact that she and her husband have been paid over 150 million dollars from private donors on Wallstreet just makes her words that much more hollow and cynical. She’s taking her privilege all the way to the bank (And

Especially one who contributed to the growing gap between white people and everyone else on this continent.

The sentiment is fine. White supremacy and white privilege obviously exist. However, being lectured about privilege by a millionaire, white woman who has a decent chance at being the most powerful person on earth is FUCKING INSANE. This election is driving me crazy.

It took the overwhelming comedic talents of Leslie Jones to make Colin Jost even remotely appealing.

Yoiks. A 50% tax rate on earnings over $5 million isn’t only possible, we were doing it for decades and decades before Reagan. So I don’t understand that entire half of the conversation.

A deeply mediocre team quarterbacked by Nick Foles isn’t exactly a big draw for the citizens of Los Angeles

Well this is slowly shifting from “clown car crash lol” into “I am genuinely uncomfortable that he’s going to end up like Chris Henry” territory.

I don’t see how you can say that standards have been raised if the film industry continues to fail the test for the standard in question. But more the point I think you’re actually getting at. Yes, we want women as three dimensional characters, heroes and leads, and over-all wonderful roles, not just two girlfriends

But what happens when teams deal with politicians directly and avoid public votes? $400 million was allocated to the Braves’ new stadium by Cobb County, after county commissioners avoided public referendum, silenced opposing arguments, and made themselves the only ones allowed to have a voice.

Yes, but what about when they subvert the will of the voters (Minnesota).

“But rather than letting perfect be the enemy of good, let’s acknowledge that this is at least a step in the right direction.”

Am a dude. And I co-sign this complaint. If my girl is gettin’ done for a thing, then this boy is dressing up to quietly match her level of style.

i’m annoyed with this. not really that they endorsed HRC- but they endorsed anyone in the primary. why bother? both bernie and HRC will be good for planned parenthood. why not wait until the general election and endorse the dem and we can all get behind it? this is just pissing off donors and causing infighting

Score another point for trivium and quadrivium.

I am a teacher at a small private school and I’m really concerned with the focus on STEM, while there’s a complete apathy towards humanities/liberal arts. I’m a social studies teacher and I am constantly harping on how important it is for kids to learn their history, but in the education world, the hot topic right now