
Jesus. 77°F is 25°C. That is nuts. It’s one thing to be working in an office that doesn’t have air conditioning, so it occasionally gets that warm on summer days, but quite another to aim for it. I’m a girl, and that is TOO HOT. Are the rest of you secretly lizard people? You are. I knew it.

I demand all women wear robes at all times, so that they may be disrobed at appropriate occasions. And bathrobes won't do. None of that pedestrian stuff. Papal or nothing.

Like Franzen’s Franzenity just destroys everyone and everything it touches? I can buy that. I used to be a bright-eyed, hopeful young woman who believed in the future of American literature. There was a spring in my step and a rosy glow of optimism illuminating my youthful visage. Then I read Freedom. Now my heart is

Honestly, not much. Lee is almost 90 years old and notoriously reclusive. She didn’t push to publish anything—anything—after To Kill a Mockingbird. It would take something like letters written years ago that express her intentions to publish this new book to convince me. Something from before 2007, when Lee had a

I early await her next post by Chekov.

Internalized misogyny is a hell of a thing.

I agree. The difference between her suit and Thor that people aren’t realizing is that hers is meant to be sexy, not to show off her strength or look practical. You’re fooling yourself if you think a strapless suit is appropriate for any useful purpose. Had that same suit not been strapless and the length gone down to

But then why does Superman get sleeves & pants? It’s a double standard. If we are going to objectify one, let’s objectify both!

They’re Bonnie & Clyde without the romance, intelligence, or limited avarice.

I remember seeing her in that education documentary a few years ago and thinking, “Wow, she would be hard to talk to every day.”

You beat me to it. His wife is arguably even worse than he is. Just a profoundly vile creature.
They make a cute couple. Oh, did I say “cute?” I meant “loathsome.”

You almost have to admire the success KJ & Rhee have had amassing wealth through fraud perpetrated on (mostly) the poor and powerless.

That whole NY Mag piece was a waste of space. No original reporting of substance. This whale is long dead and the harpoon sticking out of him bears Greg Howard’s signature in scrimshaw. They should have just paid the kill fee and ran a blurb with links to Greg’s pieces.

The venn diagram between people who say, “Just adopt” and people who don’t know the first fucking thing about adoption is pretty much a circle. I’d love to see them try it, except they probably shouldn’t be exposed to children.

Seriously, you guys should give Greg all of next week off. He earned it.

He referenced his own romantic experiences in a lab setting and how they were “disruptive to the science”

Tayor Swift is the exact opposite of feminist. At every turn, she portrays a false victim... I still blame Kanye West for allowing that seed to be planted that makes her untouchable. Even in her quoted statements here, she wants you to believe that people are trying to hold her back. There is no one in the music

If Stephen A. and ESPN don’t like the coverage you guys are giving to this issue, they should think about all the things they do to provoke it.

But wait, I thought being rich = good businessman

The NCAA is ever supportive of America's student-athletes, especially in their academic pursuits, and for that reason the NCAA prides itself on fostering a culture of inquiry, critical thought, individualism, and self-awareness among its young people, right up until that self-awareness comes into conflict with the