
Don't get me wrong, the vast majority of the time it's directed at Jezebel.

Bless you ReflectedSky!

Employment and tax laws apply to every job regardless of how cool you personally think it might be.

Holy shit. Reading this, you'd think NFL cheerleaders were under the jurisdiction of the NCAA or something.

Well, if he didn't say it, his actions did.

I think you're drastically underestimating how much a modern-day sorority sister acts like your typical Maxim reader.

Fetishizing men for strength is also absurd and archaic though. I get what you're saying for some adult men (even though I don't buy the acceptability of double standards), but this stuff is affecting kids. You know, those little boys who we are hoping grow up into men who respect women and themselves, who have

I was actually going to reply, "Shouldn't the title be, 'Violent, Abusive Criminal Smothers One of His Victims'?"

This isn't really about gender. You could, if you wish, argue back that his violent criminality is the result of mental illness, and I wouldn't stop you. But based on the information provided, I don't

This has never happened to Kirsten Dunst, but she doesn't give off that vibe or court that.

Society in general is brutal to women and girls who defend themselves with weapons of any kind. Men are allowed. Women, not so much.

Seeing as noone else is doing it I would like to point out that young girls who get sold into sex slavery in the US and then kill their captors have been sentenced to life in prison. Cyntoia Brown and Sarah Kruzan come to mind but there are many others.

Thank you. We need to be very cognizant of how language is used to normalize and legitimize atrocities.

We need to stop calling it "marriage." These are not "child brides."

Easy, easy call. When 77% of people identify as Chritian and you consider yourselves a downtrodden minority: Bitchy.