
Maybe decades ago, but his recent films are limp regurgitations of his earlier films, as I understand it (except for the one that was heavily indebted to Tennessee Williams). It did Emma Stone no good to do two of them.

I’m not side-eyeing KS as strongly, because I think at the time she signed, she was still in the

I was right here, thinking, “Um, what?” I can’t think of a single Goodell “investigation” that sounds like it was managed competently.

Except if they’re acting as agents of the NFL (which, yep), they should be identified as such.

Except how they took the Senate in the next election.

I was mostly snarking, you know.

But I’m pretty sure NHS doctors do not make anywhere near as much as American doctors. That’s why the medical industrial complex has so vociferously blocked single payer health care for decades (and also restricted the number of doctors American medical schools produce).

Both these asshole poachers were medical professionals. They clearly have too much money and too much time on their hands, if they have to go traipsing around the world luring endangered animals into open areas so they can pretend they’re Green Arrow to get their jollies.

You don’t see NHS doctors doing this.

It’s really a story to savor over strong cocktails. Let’s just say it involved a guy who pursued me for a year in film school, and a gay professor who had the hots for the guy pursuing me, who had the power to cut anyone he wanted from the program with no justification and no recourse. So I was told to fuck the guy

Single payer health care can’t come fast enough — now with fewer endangered species death by bow and arrow!

Zomig is now available as a generic. Just sayin’ (Expensive for a generic, but still...)

Oh for the days of my youth when my migraines were so infrequent I could drink with impunity. Sigh.

One of these days I will share the tale here of when I was sexually harassed by proxy. It was special.

Not a Patriots fan, but it seems obvious to me that a) Goodell has a thing about portraying an image of power and control (perhaps in part due to the cognitive dissonance of really being a puppet of the owners); b) part of that is he likes to assert dominance and pretend to a level of intelligence and competence he

I used to actively dislike the Patriots (I’ve grown to grudging respect the organization, Belichick and Brady), and I think whatever may have happened can’t be proved. The NFL doesn’t have a valid system in place to check ball pressure routinely, the balls weren’t under that much, the other teams’ balls were ALSO

Not really relevant, but my kid had a friend in elementary school who self-identifed as a pastatarian. This was an accurate reflection of her diet.

Also, frankly, you’re doing a #Notallthinpeople thing. Yes, nobody wants to shame naturally thin people and yes, there are naturally thin people in the world. But that is a form of privilege. Mannequins are thin, and movie stars are thin, and women in advertisements are thin. Thin bodies are presented as both the norm

Really? I think of Presbyterians as a pretty middle-of-the-road mainline Protestant denomination. I wonder if they changed, or I just didn’t understand what was going on across the street growing up. (Neighbor was the church minister, church was catty corner to our house.)

I wouldn’t generalize from your college experience, though. There’s enormous variability from state to state, and I think even from school to school. Then there’s family culture, whatever culture she was immersed in high school, etc.

She could have been date raped, and just tried to ignore what was happening to her

I think there’s plenty of evidence that a diet rich in certain kinds of fats and low in refined carbs can induce weight loss. There’s no evidence you have to drink the fat in your morning coffee, nor that the particular type of fat he advocates matters (butter vs. heavy cream (which, after all, is what you make butter

He WILDLY overcharges and makes absurdly grandiose claims about what he’s putting in the coffee. He’s not admitting it’s just coconut oil.

You could get approximately the same nutritional effect adding good old fashioned organic heavy cream plus probably some Trader Joe coconut milk creamer (or an actual scoop of

Thing is, who would it be FOR? These sludgy anti-PP vids exist to reinforce bias in their audience and shame “centrists” into doing the right’s bidding legislatively. The corporatist “mainstream” media is actually pretty right wing. So a new, damning vid of one of “crisis” centers, no matter what it showed, wouldn’t

This is seriously repulsive. NFL ownership and management is really driving me away from the game. I realize my pleasure being reduced is insignificant compared to the suffering of Seau, his family, and others. But we’re cancelling our NFL package and talking about cutting the “cable” cord, partly because I refuse to

Even if that were true, an exponentially large number of people not related to them would die first. They have made it very clear that they don’t care about those people. So we’re going to have to find a way to stop that behavior long before that point. The Nessie guy wasn’t hurting anyone but (arguably) himself.
