
I just googled 'zac efron hot'. Kill me.


Yeah. It reinforces the behavior of bullies disguising their cruelty as "concern for your health". I have no doubt her book will be cited by some of them - "This formerly fat woman is GRATEFUL that someone finally told her how fat she was!"

Oh goody, a whole NEW fear to have about my body and my weight. Just wonderful.

a) Is there any reason to think that all things being equal, a fat newscaster would draw lower ratings?

Horrifying. Her buying in to it is the worst part.

I posted that Russell Brand piece to my FB page earlier today. He really does not get enough credit for his intelligence and writing skills - not only is he fucking funny, he actually has something important to say and says it in a beautifully constructed way (even poetic, at times.) As an ex-member of the mass-market

It is a "foam" finger. For some reason, that had me laughing for ages.

It's rare to see a gif this good for the first time. Thanks for that!

she bent over to rub her buttocks against Robin Thicke's groin which caused him to have a slight erection which can be easily noticed through his pants.

MTV was also airing condum commercials. This was rated X, this was prime time, and suppose to be safe for children 14, and up.

"If you don't want ipads around stay home."


She looks like Janice right? Not snarky, she's a pretty lady, but there is definitely a Janice vibe going on.

I thought "the man" was a general phrase people used when saying fuck you to any societal pressures.

Ummm, no. Black people don't have the patent on being oppressed by The Man. If you think that: learn your history. Chinese Exclusion act. Orientalism. Internment camps and the treatment of Japanese Americans in WWII. Vincent Chen. Open your eyes and look the fuck around you and quit playing those damn


Sooooo I watched about 5 min of The View this morning and holy shit, just when you think it couldn't get any worse. Any time Jenny spoke, Whoopi had her signature 'the Hell you talking about, child?' look. Even Sherri Flat Earth Shepherd was looking at her in embarrassment.

There's some things that you can't leave to fate.You have to take charge of the situation and move to where his parents live! Or, ya know, quit your job and stalk them full time. Ether way, follow you'r dreams!!!

So I have been playing with the new format over the weekend a bit, including groupthink and, guys, I gotta tell you: it's kind of fun! It'll take some getting used to, but I think ultimately this could be really cool!