
Ron Burgandy: And now we cross to RedheadRed, for a weather update. Red?

I know this is meant to be all LOLz and stuff, but I'm going to join the masses just quietly reminding Jez that America is not, in fact, the be all and end all. Given the level of opposition to gay marriage displayed by a LOT of people in the States, this is also a pointed reminder that trying to claim marriage

I'm fairly certain it's already been said, but I am a bolshy pain in the ass so I can't help but throw my two cents in. I think that if RS had forgone the juxtaposition of Tsarnaev's picture and the teasers for Jay-Z and Robin Thicke stories inside, the argument against the current cover wouldn't have nearly as much

That sign is The Boss.

This. Breaks. My. Heart.

I am SO with you on this. I have tried several times to force myself to watch Scandal, and just can't bring myself to do it. It's painful.

Ahahahaha! And Dobby - who kind of looks like a penis anyway. *visuals*

This just reminds me of the 98th reason why I SHOULDN'T stay with my boyfriend.

GIF of the day goes to......

Definitely more inclined to give to this KickStarter than Shosh's "music video".

Hey Sarah, wanna be best friends? Like, please? pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease.

You had me until Invictus. Any movie about the '95 RWC that fails to mention the other - ACTUAL - reason South Africa won is not worth watching.